Very cool turtle and fish! Love how the tin foil turned out! -- Mom
- on February 11, 2018
Will you take me with you when you go to Rome, Matthew??! I sure would love to go! I have really enjoyed your artwork! -- Jeri
- on February 11, 2018
I LOVE my panda mug that you got me for Mother's Day!! Love, Mom -- Amy
- on May 30, 2017
Matthew, I love your drawing of the panda!!! It's perfect!!! -- Jeri
- on May 30, 2017
Matthew, another cool piece of artwork you have done!! You are very talented! I sure love the coffee cup with your poinsettia artwork on it you got me for Christmas!! Keep up the great work! Love, Jeri -- Jeri
- on May 30, 2017
What a cool red and blue striped bird! I like the way the sun is peeking through the tree branches! Love, Mom -- Amy
- on February 5, 2017
Matthew WOW another nice piece of artwork. You have a great art teacher! - Love, Dad
- on February 5, 2017
Your poinsettia picture is beautiful! How did you do this? Can you help me make one? -- Mom
- on December 22, 2016
Matthew, this is beautiful!! I would frame this and put on my walls!! I am anxious to hear how you did this!! We are so proud of how creative you are!! Love you! -- Jeri
- on December 22, 2016
Matthew, Bob and I like this drawing of you and the fish!! Great job!!! -- Jeri
- on November 17, 2016
Love that your giraffe is smiling! Great job! -- Mom
- on October 25, 2016
Matthew, that is a great giraffe that you drew!! I am so glad you love school!! Love you!! -- Jeri