Holland4's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Holland4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love this mola!!!
-- Ann
- on July 28, 2012
Very nice work!I enjoyed looking your art!
- on February 13, 2009
cool pic I am a big fan 4 underwater animals and u totally re-created it!
- on September 4, 2008
the detail on this drawing is absolutly amazing good job and keep drawing :)
- on May 1, 2008
WOW! How did you do all of this artwork. You must be a professional. How old are you? You are my art idol. Make more for me. You are so cool Holland. Are you a fan of winter? I am. Your Fan, Kelli
- on May 1, 2008
I thought that this picture was beautiful when i first saw it. The snow scene was gorgeous too!!! Nadine
- on December 16, 2007
i thought the red polka dotted fish looked really artistic. i like how you gave it a personality. From, Nadine
- on November 10, 2007
i love this picture mrs.holand awwwwwwwww from tori
- on September 9, 2007
hey miss holland whats up?? how is ur summer going tl 2 me soon bye bye
- on June 30, 2007
I love the way you combine the colors. It looks great. I hope you keep on going.
- on May 25, 2007
I love the way you draw. It's fasinating! I like the way you make space for different colors. I hope you do more.
- on May 25, 2007
thats kool looking it looks like a acutal picture of the beach yuo realy need to start publishinng your pictures in art contest!
- on May 5, 2007
i see you got a new picture up there looks nice!the flower is pertty
- on March 17, 2007
Jodie, I've looked at several other schools and teachers art work and you always have such wonderful ideas and your talent is unmatched by anything I've seen.
- on March 8, 2007
- on March 8, 2007
ms holland,its me carlie that is really nice i wish i could draw like you then i would have a nice gift why dont you ENTER A DRAWING CONTEST??? YOU WOULD BE #1
- on March 8, 2007
wow that is really kool!!!!!!from carlie
- on March 8, 2007
how did you get the circles so round??
- on March 8, 2007
that is sweet for hallaween!=)
- on March 8, 2007
- on March 8, 2007
i lke that you should put it in a picture fram =)
- on March 8, 2007
purple is my faviorte color!
- on March 8, 2007
i like the butterfly its so big!!
- on March 8, 2007
i like these flowers more than the blue ones!!@@##$$%%^^&&**(())__++
- on March 8, 2007
those are some wacky but kool looking fingers
- on March 8, 2007
wow why are you not a famous drawer??
- on March 8, 2007
kool but...where are the frogs?
- on March 8, 2007
what else can you draw so good??
- on March 8, 2007
how do you draw flowers so good???
- on March 8, 2007
i really like it wish i could draw like you!!
- on March 8, 2007
i like the heart!!it looks good from carlie
- on March 8, 2007
hi miss holland,its me amanda i just love this flower its so colorful and pretty!:)
- on December 21, 2006
Jodie, You have such great talent. This piece is so intense. You bring out the best in all the kids. You are one of a kind.Thanks for being you......Janine :)
- on December 21, 2006
i like this pice of art
- on December 16, 2006
i like this pice of art work . it is my backround
- on December 16, 2006
This pictures are absolutely amazing!
- on September 10, 2006
Hi Ms. Holland, its me Alissa. I just want to say that I think that your artwork is amazing and it is so beautiful!!!!
- on September 2, 2006
Holland4; I recently went through the art gallery, and I was particularly impressed with your hands. They caught my eye. The detail on the hands and even the nail polish is great. I like all the other pictures, the white lilies, but the hands were my favorite. You have a gift! Keep using it! Very Cool Lisa
-- from Lisa, art admirer
- on March 5, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on March 5, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on March 5, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on March 5, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on March 5, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on March 5, 2005