Theodore18's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Theodore18's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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it is a car ( top hat with wheels !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- on April 25, 2007
Good job, I love your colors that you used.
- on October 27, 2006
T.J. your doing a wonderful job with your art. Keep up the good work. Love always Aunt Lisa
- on October 26, 2006
Keep up the good work T you are doing a great job We love you alot and your art work also. Love Grandma and Grandpa T
- on October 26, 2006
Great use of color, you are so creative. I'm so proud of you. Keep up the good work!!
- on September 29, 2006
Great!!! Looks good
- on September 29, 2006
Great job T.J. it looks like some of the balloons on pershing day.Pretty colors ,just awesome T.J.Keep up the good work.Berdie
-- from berdie
- on March 6, 2006
I love the pattern and your use of color. It's so bright...just like YOU!!! I love you.
-- from Mommy
- on March 2, 2006
I love your mask!! It's reversable...upside down and right side up...two different faces. You are SO talented. I love you
-- from Mom
- on February 10, 2006
Nice condo TJ when are you moving in ??Good job.
-- from Garry p.
- on November 4, 2005
T.J. I like your jr. blue crew -haha
-- from Adenia
- on October 30, 2005
I love your art it really shows your school spirit!! You ARE part of the Jr Blue Crew!!
-- from Mommy
- on October 27, 2005
T.J. - Your art is very interesting and deep (ha-ha). Keep creating these masterpieces. Grampa likes the squid!!
-- from Gramma S
- on October 25, 2005
Cool pic, It really looks like the fish are swimming in the water. Keep up the great work!
-- from Aunt Dena
- on October 14, 2005
T.J. This reminds me of our beach vacation and swimming in the ocean!
-- from Mom
- on October 13, 2005
I am really impressed with your artwork. It is so colorful and bright. Lovely
-- from Rhonda Hedrick
- on October 13, 2005
Great thought is in this!! Great job T.J.
-- from Garry
- on October 12, 2005
You did such a nice job!!!
-- from Frank's mom
- on October 8, 2005
Keep up the good work and who knows where you might go with your artwork. Love Grandma and Grandpa T
-- from Grandma T
- on July 28, 2005
Love your colors T keep up the good work. Good drawing.
-- from Grandma T
- on April 21, 2005
Great job! I'll have to get a shirt made, so everyone can see what talent you have.
-- from MOM
- on April 19, 2005
Very good thinking T Keep up the good work. Love ya Grandma T
-- from Grandma T
- on February 24, 2005
tj great work keep it up!!
-- from garry p.
- on February 19, 2005
Good job on your art. Keep it up.
-- from Grandpa Somerville
- on February 17, 2005
I love your artwork. Keep up the good work
-- from Grandma Somerville
- on February 17, 2005
Your art is just like you... It makes me feel warm and happy. You are so talented, I hope you always explore your gifts.
-- from Mommy
- on February 15, 2005
This is awesome TJ. Hope to see some more of this. Love u.
-- from Dad
- on February 13, 2005
Awesome artwork TJ. Keep up the good work.
-- from Uncle Curtis
- on February 13, 2005
Cool Artwork TJ. I really like this site and hope to see more of your artwork throughout the year. Thanks for sharing with us.
-- from Aunt Dena
- on February 13, 2005
i love your art work t.J.
-- from T.J.
- on February 12, 2005
TJ Your Artwok is great! It could be a Hallmark Greeting Card. It has great balance and color. You gave me the feeling of a big snow fall on a very special day. Your art made me feel very peaceful. When you can evoke that much feeling from your art... you are a great artist!!!! Love Aunt Mary (Humor Qty Planner at Hallmark Crads)
-- from Aunt Mary
- on February 12, 2005
Very good job TJ Grandpa and Grandma T are so proud of you Keep up the good work. Love you
-- from Grandma T
- on February 11, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on February 11, 2005