Ray1034's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Ray1034's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ray you are a wonderful artist.
- Donna on January 27, 2020
Great job, Ray!
-- Diane
- on January 27, 2020
Really nice Ray. I like the blue tractor!
-- Donna
- on January 27, 2020
Ray that is beautiful. You do such good art work!!
-- Donna
- on January 27, 2020
Great Job!!
-- Diane
- on January 27, 2020
Ray is this big foot in blue? Very good!
-- Donna
- on November 6, 2017
Well Ray, this guy is very colorful. Is he from Hawaii?
-- Donna
- on May 3, 2017
Awesome job, Ray!
-- Angela
- on February 21, 2017
Hi Ray, very nice picture. Makes me cold to look at him though!
-- Donna
- on January 27, 2017
Ray you did a great job on this pic! I really like red birds. Nonna
-- Donna
- on January 27, 2017
Great job Ray! Keep up the good work.
-- Matt
- on January 27, 2017
Oh Ray, I really like this one!
-- Nonna
- on January 27, 2017
Ray this is beautiful, reminds me of Hawaii!, Nonna
-- Donna
- on January 27, 2017
Hi Ray Beautiful art work. Keep up the good work. Nonna
-- Nonna
- on October 25, 2016