Olivia26867's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Olivia26867's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love the piggy bowl! Great job Olivia.
- Linda on May 11, 2022
I love the piggy bowl! Great job Olivia.
- Linda on May 11, 2022
Your Mother's Day Surprise picture is AMAZING! Keep up the good work Livi! Love You!
- Aunt Cathy on June 10, 2020
Hi Livi...this is so lovely...very colorful!
- Cathy on June 10, 2020
Very clever and artful piece! Keep up the good work.
- Aunt Cathy on December 11, 2019
This is a very colorful piece of artwork Livi! Keep up the good work. I especially like the heart you drew, I think that it's a spoon. It was a nice special touch!
-- Aunt Cathy
- on April 16, 2019
Hi Livi! What an interesting fish...very colorful! Great job! Love Aunt Cathy
-- Aunt Cathy
- on April 16, 2019
Keep up the great artwork Livi! I love getting your new pieces. Your polar bear is cute ??
-- Aunt Cathy
- on December 5, 2018
I think I see an Ohio winter on the farm!
-- Aunt Cathy
- on October 24, 2018
I LOVE this one...the frog's smile makes me smile. Keep up the good work Livi!
-- Cathy
- on October 24, 2018
This is a wonderful piece of art! It reminds me so much of Ohio.
-- Cathy
- on October 24, 2018