this drawing is amazing. I'm sure your Daddy loves this picture also. The colors are magnificent. Keep up the great work, we are proud of you
- on June 27, 2018
Purple mulch? Dakota, you have quite an imagination. I love this about you. To quote Albert Einstein, a famous mathematician, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.” That’s a good thing, for he also said that, “Imagination will take you everywhere.” For example, mine has traveled thousands of miles to be next to you, so that I could personally tell you how proud I am of you. I Love you! -- Millie -(Auntie)
- on October 26, 2016
I am truly amazed at the quality and amount of vision that Dakota has produced in her artwork. I suspect that she has not yet been taught the Rule of Thirds for visual arts so for her to use them simply from her own volition shows a true talent. I also am impressed by the use of the background that shows texture and variations in light. I don't think the average second grader is capable of producing this. "Bravo", Dakota! This is a wonderful program and my kudos to the teachers that developed and produced this program! -- John
- on September 22, 2016
When I first saw Dakota's artwork I told myself it was just like Vincent van Gogh's. So, I was not surprised to learn the students were studying my favorite painter. I love it! Therefore, I would like to recommend she signs her work. Who knows, she might become famous some day!! Great work Dakota! I am buying some cards. My congratulations to her teacher Miss Pourcho, and school for encouraging their students to appreciate art! I hope some day they get to visit the Chicago Museum of Art. It was there that I saw Van Gogh's paintings " in person" for the very first time. As I used to work across the street from the museum, I spent a lot of lunch time hours sitting in front of his paintings in awe! I will never forget the experience, just as I am sure your students will never forget the art appreciation experience you are now providing. For that, I thank you!!! (It takes a village to care for our children.) -- Millie
- on September 19, 2016
Dakota, you have drawn a beautiful sunflower. You know Granny loves flowers. Keep up the great work! We are very proud of you. -- Grace, (Granny Tutti)