Olivia26831's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Olivia26831's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Olivia!!! I absolutely LOVE your artwork. This is such a beautiful creation and reflection of a nature and your love & appreciation for The amazing Flamingo. You are becoming quite the artist! I love you so much!!! Thank You for sharing. Love, Your Nonna
- on April 18, 2018
Beautiful work, Liv! I love the vibrant colors. Great job!!
-- Vicki
- on February 28, 2018
I love the colors you used in your weaving olivia! Beautiful.
-- Mom
- on November 27, 2017
Beautiful pumpkin Olivia! I love the flamingo staring at it... your artistic signiture. xoxo
-- Mom
- on October 6, 2017
I always love seeing your art work, Olivia! Great job on this portrait! Faces and people can be very tough to draw and you've done a great job. I love your use of colors and shapes in the back ground and how you filled the whole page with color and interest. Good work! Love you! xoxo
-- Aunt Vic
- on October 6, 2017
Oh my goodness, I love this painting so much! Gorgeous use of color, Liv! The purple background was the perfect choice to really show off your beautiful white flower. Awesome job!! xoxo
-- Aunt Vic
- on March 15, 2017
Another stunning flower art! I love the way the white flower pops off of the purple background!
-- Mom
- on March 13, 2017
Olivia, I love this flower! Your use of color and shadowing is beautiful. Keep up the good work my little artist! xoxox
-- Mom
- on March 13, 2017
Wow, Olivia! Great job on your self portrait! I love all the details, from your heart necklace to your rosy cheeks and (of course!) your flamingo sidekick! Beautiful work, Liv! xoxo
-- Aunt Vic
- on December 21, 2016
Olivia I love your portrait. I especially love the flamingo next to you! My flamingo girl ?? keep up the good work sweet heart. -Mom
-- Mom
- on December 15, 2016
Olivia! This is so beautiful!! I'm so really impressed with your full use of color. Nice work, my love! xoxo Aunt Vic
-- Vicki
- on October 18, 2016
Olivia I love this work of art! The blending of colors is beautiful and the sweet butterfly looks like it is gliding in the breeze. Good job sweet heart!
-- Mon
- on October 8, 2016
Another Fabulous piece of ART!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
-- Cynthia
- on October 8, 2016
Olivia! What a gorgeous work of art. I am so proud of the wonderful artist you have become. Keep up the creative work!
-- Mom
- on September 21, 2016
Beautiful work, Liv! Great use of color to fill the whole page - makes me smile to see your beautiful art. We love you! Aunt Vic & Uncle Mikey
-- Vicki
- on September 21, 2016
What tatent!! Love it!! Keep up the good work
-- John
- on September 19, 2016
Olivia??, This is Sooooo..... Beautiful?. I LOVE the sunflowers in your Still Life painting. Your choice of background colors really accent the Flowers's and vase. Keep enjoying the the time of learning and creating in Art Class. ~ Nona
-- Cynthia
- on September 19, 2016