Hi Ella, you drew a cery pretty picture. I like how you used "circles"to create your happy bug. Love ?? Grandma G?? -- Vicki
- on March 29, 2017
Ella, Grandpa and I LOVE your penquin!!! You did a wonderful job........love the colors in the background, pink earmuffs, cute face and his little feet. He is just adorable! Keep up the great work. I am afraid we haven't had enough snow for penquins this year but there is still time to have enough snow for sledding and building a snowman. We are looking forward to having you and Max spend some time with us on the 18th. Love, Grandma -- Ellen
- on February 26, 2017
Pretty way to learn your shapes?? -- Vicki
- on February 26, 2017
Very nice Ella! -- Ellen
- on February 26, 2017
What a beautiful flower! I bet it is the first one a honey bee would be attracted to!!! Love your colors. Grandma B. -- Ellen