Colin7021's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Colin7021's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Colin, Boo right back to you!!! I like the colors. Have a wonderful day!! Grandma K
-- Karren
- on April 19, 2017
This reminds me that there are so many colors in water and such a variety of wave patterns. I want to jump in and swim??????????
-- Grandma Colleen
- on April 19, 2017
The wolf ?? is one of my favorite animals. I saw one once when I was driving through New Mexico in the early evening. He was standing on the top of a small hill with the full moon behind. Your drawing captures all the beautiful markings on his face!
-- Grandma Colleen
- on April 19, 2017
Colin, you had a lot of patience drawing all of those grapes! The fruit bowl itself is so decorative and I really like the pear ?? with the stem on top! Great job my dear!!!
-- Grandma Colleen
- on April 19, 2017
You are amazing!!
-- Auntie Onion
- on April 19, 2017
Colin, this reminds me of a checkerboard under the microscope. Very clever. Well done sweetheart!!!
-- Colleen
- on January 25, 2017
If I wore eye makeup, I would have you create these eyes on me. Very creative my dear!
-- Colleen
- on November 29, 2016
This is such an artistic depiction of the variety within each person. Well done, Colin!!!
-- Colleen
- on November 29, 2016
Colin, I love the shadows and the snowy mountains and the trees in winter -- but most of all, I totally love you!!
-- Colleen
- on November 29, 2016 are SO creative!! I love seeing your work. Keep it up! Auntie Shrek
-- Lisa
- on November 14, 2016
Colin...this is amazing! It's perfect, just in time for Halloween...LOVE IT! Auntie Shrek
-- Lisa
- on November 14, 2016
Wow Buddy! I love the contrasting colors and the cool smiley face! xo, Auntie Shrek
-- Lisa
- on November 14, 2016
Grandma Susie loves the bright colors. I like the smiley face.
-- Grandpa Gary
- on September 9, 2016
Colin, this work of art is spectacular!
-- Colleen
- on September 9, 2016
I like the background colors, Colin. If those are your hands Colin, I think you have grown a bit.
-- Gary
- on September 9, 2016
Colin, your artwork reminds me of beautiful stained glass windows in churches around the world. In your hands I see the talent of the athlete, the caring of the big brother and the helper to Mom and Dad. I love you so much . . .
-- Colleen
- on September 9, 2016
Holy cow Colin!! This is amazing. Keep up the are wonderful! Auntie Lisa
-- Lisa
- on September 9, 2016