Aislyn, You are an incredible artist....Keep it up. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. I love you. Auntie Lisa -- Lisa
- on January 30, 2019
Okay, this giraffe could be one of my favorites so far!!!! You are soooooooo good at drawing . . . -- Grandma Colleen
- on April 19, 2017
Aislyn, this looks like a collage with fabric pieces around the border. Your castle is quite colorful and has a real strong-looking front door. I bet there is a moat around it, too. Are you inside? Are you a princess? -- Grandma Colleen
- on April 19, 2017
Aislyn...this is so cool. You are so patriotic! -- Lisa
- on April 19, 2017
Aislyn, I think your Moose drawing is awesome! His antlers look soooooo heavy. I wonder how he keeps his head up?? The grass is such a beautiful spring green color. We will see that soon when our winter is over. You are a fine artist my dear?? -- Grandma Colleen
- on January 25, 2017
Totally fabulous Rudolph! My Dad, your great grandfather, was named Rudolph and people called him Rudy. Missing you so much while I am here in Florida?? Love you sweet Aislyn?? -- Grandma Colleen
- on January 25, 2017
Aislyn, Your artwork is simply wonderful. -- Grandpa Gary
- on January 25, 2017
What a beautiful work of art, Aislyn! Your bird is all dressed in red - just like Santa ???? -- Colleen
- on January 25, 2017
Hey Babydoll - that fruit looks good enough to eat! I think your color combinations are so vibrant. What a great painting! -- Colleen
- on November 29, 2016
This is such a sweet, cheerful work of art! And guess what Aislyn - she is wearing boots just like you! -- Colleen
- on September 9, 2016
Dear Aislyn, I love your multi colored umbrella!!! It makes me happy on cloudy, rainy days!!!! -- Grandma Karren
- on September 2, 2016
What a beautiful picture Aislyn. Grandma Susie and I just love it. -- Grandpa Gary