I like your newest picture of a pumpkin, Payton. You do a great job in your art work at school. -- Lynn
- on November 30, 2016
Hi Payton! I love your tree silhouette! That was amazing!! Keep up the great work! Love You!!! -- Sherry
- on October 10, 2016
Great grandpa and great grandma , Bob and Emma! We love your new art work, very nice (Tree Silhouettes)! Your great great grandpa Kurt, was a very good artist! Looks like you are followig in his foot steps. Keep up the good work, we love you! GGparents Bob and Emma. -- Emma & Bob
- on September 21, 2016
Great grandpa and great grandma , Bob and Emma! -- Emma & Bob
- on September 21, 2016
We are so proud of you Payton, Love your beautiful art work! -- Emma & Bob