Ryan32273's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Ryan32273's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ryan, this looks amazing! I am so impressed with how you did the shadow behind you. Keep up the good work!
-- Daddy
- on March 7, 2018
ryan you did a great job we really love your hard work we are very proud of you love you
-- Lynn
- on March 7, 2018
I LOVE this Ryan...I can tell you worked so hard...It is really cool!! love you!!
-- Stephanie
- on March 4, 2018
Wow! Neat job Ryan! I can tell you worked hard on this. Way to go!
-- Mommy
- on November 8, 2017
Ryan grandpop and i really like your picture. You did a great job we love you very much
-- Lynn
- on November 8, 2017
Ryan you do great artwork we like your pictures and are glad you send them to us. I am going to call you later too we love you
-- Lynn
- on May 31, 2017
Looking amazing!!!!
-- Courtney
- on May 15, 2017
Ryan grandpop and i really enjoy your artwork. You really do a great job. We love you very much grandmom and grandpop
-- Lynn
- on May 10, 2017
Ryan grandpop and i really enjoy your artwork. You do a great job.
-- Lynn
- on May 3, 2017
Wow Ryan this is beautiful!!! I love this!!
-- Stephanie
- on May 1, 2017
Ryan I think all of your pictures are very unique. I can see you put a lot of thought and effort into each them of them. I love them!!!!!! Granddad
-- charles
- on April 26, 2017
great job Ryan
-- charles
- on April 26, 2017
Wow Ryan!! I love your artwork!! It is very creative!! THe colors are beautiful!
-- Mommy
- on April 26, 2017
Love your artwork!!!
-- Mommy
- on April 26, 2017
EEK!! I don't like germs, but I like how you created yours!!!!
-- Stephanie
- on December 8, 2016
hello ryan we really enjoy seeing your artwork you do a great job we love you to the moon and back
-- Lynn
- on December 8, 2016
-- Sloopes
- on December 7, 2016
Very creative!!!!!!!!!
-- Sloopes
- on December 7, 2016
this one is good too you really worked hard lots of love
-- Lynn
- on December 7, 2016
we also like this picture ryan great job
-- Lynn
- on December 7, 2016
we really like your picture ryan you worked hard at it and did a good job we are proud of you love grandmom and grandpop
-- Lynn
- on December 7, 2016
This artwork is very good!!!! I have never seen anything like it!!! It's very unique and creative!!!! I can't wait to see more work from you!!! You are a great artist and keep being awesome!!!!!!
-- Sloops
- on November 29, 2016
That looks amazing! Can't wait to see more beautiful paintings!
-- Natalie
- on November 29, 2016
I know how much you like Chuck E Cheese. It is such a fun place to go. This looks just like it! Way to go!!!
-- Stephanie
- on November 29, 2016
Very creative!
-- Stephanie
- on November 29, 2016
Wow!! What beautiful colors!
-- Stephanie
- on November 29, 2016