YEOW!!! Wouldn't Soleil have fun with Wiskers! I love you, -- Grandma
- on June 13, 2018
This is so cute, Noelle..........nothing like a young girl with her head in the clouds! She seems pretty happy too! Love you.... -- Nancy
- on June 13, 2018
WOW Noelle, that is the cutest most colorful germ I have ever seen. GREAT JOB! Love you very much! Grandma Pam -- Pam
- on March 7, 2018
Hi Noelle, I like your pumpkin, it's very colorful and has lots of stars, hearts and triangles. You also, as usual, filled in all the background, having the sun in the corner is a nice, warm addition. Great job! I love you! -- Grandma
- on February 14, 2018
Hey Noelle, Finally a picture from you this year! I keep looking. Is that you and Zach? You sure look like you're having fun. What a happy picture. Love you! -- Grandma
- on November 8, 2017
Another beautiful picture from Noelle. You did a great job showing different shapes and textures and letting all the colors shine. This is a wonderful picture and is that your signature on the bottom, did you really write that? Your printing is fantastic! Love, -- Grandma
- on May 3, 2017
How in the world did I miss this cute little bunny? He is just adorable. I think I see your wry little smile on his face. You did a great job and he makes me smile! Love, -- Grandma
- on May 3, 2017
Oh Noelle, this is a great drawing of the Statue of Liberty. She is VERY important to our country as she represents our best intentions. Let freedom ring and keep America the land of the welcoming free! Love, -- Grandma
- on May 3, 2017
Noelle, what a lovely snowman, is that you next to the snowman, did you make him. And a GIANT snowflake next to him. WOW, if we had snowflakes that big we would have a whole LOT of snow in just a little time. I'm proud of you and all your great artwork. Love, -- Grandma
- on February 23, 2017
Noelle, there seems to be a lot of snow in your recent pictures. You know I love snow, right? This tree sure has a lot of branches but I don't see the owl, is he in his house in the tree? I like that I can see the bark on the tree trunk, a lot of good detail. You are a good artist! Love you! -- Grandma
- on February 8, 2017
Noelle! Look at all that SNOW! We need some more here this winter because I know how you love to lick it as it is falling. I hope you didn't lick the snow on this picture, but I wouldn't put it past you to do that! I love you very much, -- Grandma
- on February 1, 2017
Wow Noelle, What a colorful painting! I think pumpkins would wish they were this beautiful and vibrant. Love you, -- Grandma
- on December 14, 2016
So this is very interesting Noelle. Good colors and repeating patterns....very artistic. I love you, -- Grams
- on November 8, 2016
- on October 3, 2016
Noelle, great picture. I see you filled in ALL the background. This is very colorful and interesting. You will be a great artist. -- Grams