Joshie -- This may be my favorite of all your drawings and other art projects. It has lots of movement and conveys much happiness. The small orange person on the right side reminds me of the ribbons that people wear to support important causes. So, I thought that you would like to know that the orange ribbon is the symbol for Racial Tolerance and Cultural Diversity. Following our High Holiday prayers, I think this is a great message (even if you intended the orange figure to be a person)! Lots of love,
- Grammy on November 13, 2019
Wow Joshie. You look so cute. We looked up Yoruba Crowns to see what you were making. You did such a good job and it looks like you had a lot of fun both making it and wearing it.We hope you felt like a king wearing it since only royalty can wear this crown. And the bird on top of the crown is awesome. Love, Nana and grandpa -- Nana
- on May 15, 2019
Joshie, as always we love the colors you choose to use in your art. It make your art a lot of fun to look at. Good work. Love, Nana and grandpa -- Nana
- on November 28, 2018
Joshie...this is wonderful. We loved how beautifully you described yourself. In our opinion you are every bit as terrific as you wrote down in this work of art. Love, nana and grandpa -- Nana
- on November 28, 2018
Joshie -- Your mask is very creative. We hope that you enjoyed making it. We can imagine someone wearing your mask at the Carnival celebration in Brazil. Love, -- Grammy and Pop Pop
- on April 25, 2018
Joshie, what a terrific mask. You look so fierce. We especially like the way you placed beads across your nose. I makes your mask so unique. You did a great job. Love Nana and Grandpa. -- Nana
- on April 25, 2018
Love the mask - it is very festive. -- Dad
- on April 25, 2018
Joshie, we loved your symmetrical butterflies. You did a great job keeping them symmetrical, and we loved the bright colors your used. Love always, Nana and grandpa. -- Nana
- on February 14, 2018
Josh, We really love your painting of a butterfly. Whenever we see butterflies in our yard we stop whatever we are doing just to watch them for a couple minutes. We even have a butterfly bush in our backyard. Butterflies are delicate and beautiful and we think you captured their best qualities in your painting. It looks like you worked hard on this picture and we think it shows. Love, -- Grammy and Pop Pop
- on February 14, 2018
Joshie, we bet you had a lot of fun creating the weaving pattern. It makes a the artwork look very interesting. Love, Nana and Grandpa -- Nana
- on January 17, 2018
Josh, We can tell that you invested a lot of thought, time and effort into creating your basket weave artwork. Your color choices are really terrific. Lots of love, -- Pop Pop and Grammy
- on January 17, 2018
Joshie, what a fantastic turtle. He looks so real we think he might just crawl away. Make sure you catch him! Love always, Nana and Grandpa -- Nana
- on January 17, 2018
Dear Joshie, We have never seen a yellow turtle but yours is fabulous! You must have worked very hard to bring out all of the details of the turtle's shell and body. We hope that you had fun making the sunshine turtle. Love, -- Grammy and Pop Pop
- on January 17, 2018
Joshie, what a GREAT Rube Goldberg machine. You drew so many parts that interact with each other. We especially like the dominoes. Love Nana and Grandpa. -- Nana
- on November 8, 2017
Dear Joshie, You have managed to create a happy "Rube Goldberg" picture. Your use of color in just the right places makes your picture very interesting. We hope it was fun to create. Lots of love. -- Grammy and Pop Pop
- on November 8, 2017
Joshie - we love this. You did an amazing job. We love seeing all you new artwork. Keep up the great job. Love Nana and Grandpa. -- Nana
- on November 8, 2017
Joshie -- We really don't like snakes, but you actually made the anaconda look colorful and pretty. We still hope it doesn't come to life! Love, -- Pop Pop and Grammy
- on October 4, 2017
Josh, we love your happy smile in the picture and in real life! Much love, Pop Pop and Grammy -- Judy
- on September 20, 2017
Dear Joshy, We love your latest colorful creation. Seeing the solar eclipse must have been exciting. Much love, Pop Pop and Grammy -- Judy
- on September 20, 2017
Josh -- This figure makes us think about Simba from The Lion King -- maybe it's the sunny yellow color. We had so much fun seeing the show with you. Can't wait to see what you make next! Love, Pop Pop and Grammy -- Judy
- on May 15, 2017
Joshie, nice artwork! We loved the colors you used. Love, Nana and Grandpa -- Tina
- on April 25, 2017
Wow Joshie, this picture makes us feel like we are in outer space. We can imagine Captain Kirk and Commander Spock on the bridge of your rocket. We wonder where they are going; maybe to fight the Romulans. Your drawing is really good and with each art project it gets better. As Commander Spock would say, "Live long and prosper." Sending our love hugs, Pop Pop and Grammy -- Judy
- on March 15, 2017
Dear Joshie, Your latest creation looks a little like an angry bird to us. We think you are very creative and that you do a great job combining bright colors. Love, Pop Pop and Grammy -- Judy
- on February 1, 2017
Wow Joshie. We can see that you put a lot of time into this. Your artwork is getting better every day! We love you a lot. Nana and grandpa. -- Nana and grandpa
- on February 1, 2017
Your artwork is beautiful. It's so bright and cheery. We love the colors and we love you! -- Nana and grandpa
- on December 21, 2016
Joshie -- It is so exciting to see that you have expanded your artistic talents from drawing to pottery. We love the sunny yellow color. Can hardly wait to see what you create next. Love, Grammy and Pop Pop
- on December 7, 2016
Joshie, Your artwork is wonderful. You are very talented. Love, nana and grandpa -- Tina