Brinley215's Comments (95)

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Below are comments about Brinley215's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice work Brinley.
- Susan on November 16, 2022
Like how the colors are separate but flow together. Red and yellow but connect and make orange. The clear spaces make for an interesting element. Very interesting design.
- Grams on November 16, 2022
Great job Brinley. Love the message.
- Don on November 16, 2022
Love the mixture of color and lines. So much going on which makes for a lot to learn from. Good interpretation of the title.
- Grams on November 16, 2022
nicely done. This is one to remember.
- Susan on November 16, 2022
Great job Brin. you are very good on your art projects. Keep up the good work.
- Susan on November 16, 2022
Nice work Brinley. I really like both of them. Proud of you.
- Don on November 16, 2022
Great job Brinley. Keep up the wonderful art work.
- Donald on November 16, 2022
I like your room. It looks comfortable. The little smilie guy in the upper left corner is cute and made me smile.
- Gramz on November 16, 2022
Good story and illustrations to tell the story.
- Grams on November 16, 2022
Beautiful. Like the colors used for the ornaments and the tree branches look real.
- Grams on November 16, 2022
So pretty! No doubt this will be added to our Christmas decorations soon! ?? Love, Mom
- Sonja (Mother) on December 28, 2021
Love this story, Brin. Can't wait to read more stories written by you.
- Grams on November 16, 2022
Very interesting Brinley. Love the art work. Keep up all the different styles.
- Susan on November 16, 2022
Cool. Can't wait to see this for real. Love the colors you used.
- Grams on November 16, 2022
Cool picture. Love the colors and drawing.
- Grams on November 16, 2022
keep up the great work Brinley
- Susan on November 16, 2022
Great picture Brinley. Keep up the great work.
- Don on November 16, 2022
Delicious looking. Well done. Now you can make me a real one. Yum!
- Grams on November 16, 2022
Looks good. Love the cherry on top. keep up the great art work.
- Susan on November 16, 2022
Looks good. Love the cherry on top. keep up the great art work.
- Susan on November 16, 2022
Looks good Brinley. I need an ice cream cone like that.
- Susan on November 16, 2022
Great job Brinley. Looks delicious.
- Don on November 16, 2022
Looks delicious. Love the colors. Cool.
- Grams on November 16, 2022
Great job Brinley. Keep up the wonderful designs.
- Susan on March 3, 2021
My favorite color of flowers. Like the white outlining the leaves. Perfect potted plant.
- Grams on March 3, 2021
Brin, love the color combinations of your star in the night sky. It looks like a stuffed teddy bear on the bottom of the star at the end.
- Grams on March 3, 2021
So pretty! One of my favorites.
- Sonja (Mother) on February 23, 2021
Nice Brinley. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love Grandma.
- Susan on December 23, 2020
Great job Brin.
- Susan on December 2, 2020
Looks good Brinley. Great job.
- Don on November 4, 2020
Looks good. What time is diner.
- Susan on November 4, 2020
Cute cow. It looks like he's looking for his spots. Well done.
- Grams on October 21, 2020
Love this picture and the young lady who made it.
- Grams on October 21, 2020
Looks good Brinley. I like that robot keep up the great work.
- Don on September 30, 2020
Love a dancing robot. A little low on energy. Bet full charge, she'd show some happy dance steps.
- Grams on September 30, 2020
Very creative Brinley. Keep up the great work.
- Don on March 25, 2020
Love your green towers. Look good enough for a princess to live in. I can see a dragon landing on the black tower's poles. The rocks are a nice touch to give the ground a realistic look.
- Grams on March 25, 2020
Great job Brinley. Very creative.
- Don on March 11, 2020
Well done Brinley. The stick made it even harder to do and yet you showed it could be done.
- Grams on March 11, 2020
Nice contrast with the hearts Brinley. Good job.
- Don on January 22, 2020
Looks great Brinley. Keep up the good work.
- Don on January 15, 2020
Beautiful lion that is fierce too. Love what you did with the coloring of the leaves. Cross-hatch lines add texture to the blades of grass.
- Grams on January 15, 2020
Looks good Brinley. Keep up the good work.
- Don on October 30, 2019
I love how I feel like I'm flying with the blue bird up to the rainbow. The sky is so beautiful and happy with all the colors. The grass looks comfortable enough to put a blanket down and relax by the river. A picture that I wouldn't mind stepping into.
- Grams on October 30, 2019
Great job Brinley. He sure looks like an Alien.
- Susan (Step-Mother) on September 29, 2019
Good job with the alien Brinley. Keep up the great work.
-- Don
- on May 29, 2019
Love your rabbit picture. Great job Brinley.
-- Don
- on May 29, 2019
Nice job Brinley. Keep up your art work.
-- Susan
- on May 22, 2019
Love the roses. Keep up the wonderful art work
-- Susan
- on May 15, 2019
Love the picture. Always a sunny day to Brinley.
-- Susan
- on May 4, 2019
Great picture Brinley. I really like it.
-- Don
- on May 1, 2019
Makes me think of a sunset at the beach. Love the mix of colors that creates texture.
-- Grams
- on May 1, 2019
Big green eyes are beautiful but I like the heart shaped nose.
-- Grams
- on May 1, 2019
Love your picture. Like the colorful flowers. Well done.
-- Grams
- on May 1, 2019
Colorful fish Brinley. I really like them. Great job! Keep up the good work.
-- Don
- on March 13, 2019
I like that you did two different shapes of fish. I also like the bright colors and that the fish are multi colored. Another art work well done.
-- Grams
- on March 6, 2019
That is a great drawing. Keep up the wonderful work.
-- Susan
- on February 28, 2019
What a wonderful picture. Keep up the good work.
-- Susan
- on January 29, 2019
Not surprised about your choices. Good picks.
-- Grams
- on January 30, 2019
Love the shapes you used for the buildings. Good picture with the houses in the front, the hills in the back and the wonderful sky.
-- Grams
- on January 30, 2019
Great job Brinley. I really like the sky and mountains in the background. Keep up the good work.
-- Don
- on January 30, 2019
Great looking cat. I like how colorful you made it. Keep up the great work Brinley.
-- Don
- on January 30, 2019
Love you rainbow cat. Good color choices.
-- Grams
- on January 30, 2019
Love your Grinch Brinley. Did a good job with him.
-- Grams
- on December 19, 2018
Great job drawing the Grinch, Brinley. Love the expression on his face.
-- Don
- on December 19, 2018
Wouldn't want to meet this wild character in the dark. He's scary but so cute. Can I have him for a pet? Love the colors used, the umbrella antennas, spots and his one eye and tooth.
-- Grams
- on November 7, 2018
Love it Brinley. Keep up the good work.
-- Don
- on October 3, 2018
Love your picture Brinley and you did a great explaining about the genie. Now what was the wish the little girl made?
-- Grams
- on October 3, 2018
Great job Brinley. That is one super monster.
-- Don
- on September 19, 2018
Love those big eyes, fangs and purple color. If the purple monster wasn't so cute, I'd be scared.
-- Grams
- on September 19, 2018
Looks like a warm, fun place to visit. Good picture.
-- Grams
- on September 7, 2018
Great robot Brinley. Good work.
-- Don
- on September 7, 2018
Great job Brinley. You have a nice hat.
-- Don
- on May 23, 2018
April showers create beautiful rainbows. Add some sun and you get heart shaped flowers. Love the story you've created with your art.
-- Grams
- on May 2, 2018
Nice picture Brinley. You did a great job.
-- Don
- on February 14, 2018
Love your penguin. Colors used in the background are bright and happy in a cold scene.
-- Grams
- on February 14, 2018
Great job Brinley. Your Owl is really cute.
-- Don
- on January 31, 2018
I love this one! This is exactly how a monster should look!
-- Sonja
- on November 8, 2017
My favorite fall tree.
-- Grams
- on November 8, 2017
Such a scary monster Brinley. Well done. Love,
-- Grams
- on November 8, 2017
Good Job Brinley! Can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch with you next Friday!
-- Sonja
- on October 11, 2017
Great job drawing the mice Brinley. Keep up the great work.
-- Don
- on October 11, 2017
Cute picture Brinley. Great job.
-- Don
- on October 11, 2017
Well done Brinley. Love your ladybug. Love you.
-- Grams
- on October 11, 2017
Brinley- This lady bug is SO cute. Love you're leaf designs. Love Mom!
-- Sonja
- on October 2, 2017
I love this one Brin! We need to go on more walks and see more rainbows.
-- Sonja
- on September 27, 2017
Great job Brinley. It looks like you and your Mom enjoyed your walk.
-- Don
- on September 27, 2017
So cute! Love the hair!
-- Mom
- on March 29, 2017
Beautiful Brinley. Love your choice of colors.
-- Sandra
- on March 29, 2017
So many beautiful hearts. Love you too Brinley.
-- Grams
- on March 29, 2017
Great job Brinley. Love all the hearts.
-- Don
- on March 29, 2017
Way to go Brinley. It looks great.
-- Don
- on September 27, 2016
Great job Brinley. Keep up the good work.
-- Don
- on September 12, 2016
Beautiful choice of color and design. So much I like about the picture that I can not pick out just one thing. Keep up the good work Brinley. <3
-- Sandra
- on September 7, 2016