Allison10491's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Allison10491's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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GORGEOUS!!!! I love it!!!!
-- Shawn (mom)
- on January 2, 2019
I love it angel!!! Beautiful!!!
-- Mike
- on December 14, 2016
-- Shawn
- on November 30, 2016
Allie, Allie, Allie. Your drawings were so well done by you that I was dog-gone sure they could only have been drawn by an advanced artist in the 2nd or 3rd grade, so I thought Lilly must have made them. Now I know that it was your talented Allie fingers that created all three (3) of these fine works of art and I am SUPER-DUPER proud of you. You are a great artist and I want to see more, more, more!!! Love you and your artwork a whole bunch!! (By the way, are you going to college next year?) xoxoxo
-- Uncle George
- on October 11, 2016
What a beautiful day you have drawn, Lilly. It makes me want to get out and play under your beautiful blue sky and enjoy the warm sunshine from your perfectly drawn Sun which is making your flowers so happy. You have made your drawing so pleasant to look at, I just want to take off my shoes and squish my feet in the soft grass you so nicely have drawn. This nice drawing of yours makes me feel like Summer has just begun instead of coming to an end. Thank you so very much for sharing such beautiful drawings with all of us. Love you. xo XO xo
-- Uncle George
- on October 6, 2016
My, my, my. School has started and it is time once again to begin enjoying the wonderful artwork of Wonderful Lillian. Lilly, you have made this lovely child look so very happy as the child sleeps. You are such a good artist it reminds me of myself sleeping happily...and do you know how I can tell this happy sleeping child reminds me of Me? is because you put six pieces of hair on the head of this beautiful child...and in a few different colors, too. I hope I will be able to enjoy many more of your artworks during this school year. Now, let me take a look at another drawing you did that is waiting for me to see. I will tell you how much I like it after I see it. Love you.
-- Uncle George
- on October 6, 2016
Your artwork is AWESOME!!!
-- Mom
- on October 3, 2016