Nice job, Jayce! Your artwork is so colorful. We like the ribbon effect!
- Gramps & Grammy on February 12, 2025
Nice job, Jayce! You are getting to be quite an artist! ?
- Gramps and Grammy on February 12, 2025
Great imaginationI I see several faces including human, dog, and fish . I might need your help to find more and I bet you can.At any rate it is a great work of art!!! Don & Karen
- Don And Karen on February 12, 2025
I like your rendition of the Statue of Liberty!! ?Mom
- Deb (Mother) on January 28, 2025
I had to Google Jasper John’s numbers to see what this was all about! This was a cool concept for an art project! You could do another one with your phone number or your name! Great job!
- Gramps & Grammy on September 18, 2024
Grandpa says “Fantastic job! That looks just like you!” Grandma says, “Wow! I would recognize you from that picture!”
- Gramps & Grammy on September 18, 2024
The detail in this picture is just OUTSTANDING!
- Don And Karen on July 3, 2024
Great job Jayce your art work gets better with every new one you do.
- Don And Karen on July 3, 2024
We love your Easter art. You did a great job. The colors and dimension are awesome.
- Gramps & Grammy on May 22, 2024
Nice work, Jayce! How did you get the background to look like that? I like your cool letters in your name!
- Gramps & Grammy on May 22, 2024
Cock a doodle do! Great rooster Jayce! Now draw a hen so he has a mate!
- Gramps on May 1, 2024
We love the hearts theme in your artwork! Nice job!
- Gramps & Grammy on April 21, 2024
Cool! We love the colors in your artwork! You are so creative.
- Gramps & Grammy on April 21, 2024
Don & Karen Good Job Jayce! That is a colorful animal for sure. Looks a little like a Fox. Good use of colors and shadows as well as lines. Keep up the good work!!
- Don And Karen on February 8, 2024
We loved the cool mushrooms and trees! You are so artistic!
- Gramps $ Grammy on December 20, 2023
Jayce, I love your ostrich! He looks playful and silly - is he up to some pranks?
- Deb (Mother) on October 18, 2023
What a colorful ostrich! You are so creative!
- Gramps & Gramm on October 18, 2023
From Don & Karen: I'm not sure what I would do if I caught such a beautiful fish. I'd probably have it mounted to put on your wall. Good job Jayce!
- Don And Karen on June 22, 2023
What a colorful koi fish! I love all the colors. Was that painted with water colors? You are getting to be quite a little artist!
- Gramps and Grammy on May 24, 2023
We think you are attending a "dream school"!! Your dream school is very creative, however!
- Gramps & Grammy on April 23, 2023
We love your colorful picture! You have such an amazing art teacher! I bet you love her class!
- Gramps & Grammy on April 23, 2023
I like all of the shapes and colors on this one!
- Jenna on April 23, 2023
This is so pretty jayce! I love all of the colors and beautiful depiction of the manger and star. Way to go!
- Jenna on February 1, 2023
Jayce it it looks like a stained glass window in a church. It is beautiful!
- Don And Karen on January 18, 2023
What a cute chameleon! He is so colorful! Great job, Jayce!
- Gramps & Grammy on November 20, 2022
What a handsome self portrait you made! It looks just like you! Way to go, Jayce!
- Gramps & Grammy on October 8, 2022
This is great work Jayce!! I really like your details on the face!
- Jenna on October 8, 2022
What a great cactus pot!! I love how you added new arms to the cactus!
- Deb (Mother) on September 3, 2022
That looks like an awfully prickly cactus! Great job, Jayce!
- Grammy & Gramps on September 14, 2022
We love your fish! He is so cute and he is even smiling! Love you!
- Gramps & Grammy on April 27, 2022
We love the bright colors in your picture! Great job! Love you!
- Gramps & Grammy on April 27, 2022
Your Russian doll is so colorful! We love it! You will have to teach Gramps and Granny how to pronounce the name of your doll!
- Don And Karen on March 16, 2022
What a cute yak! You did a great job on him! I love Mt Everest in the background!
- Gramps and Grammy on February 16, 2022
That is a super cool art project! I love the yak and his big horns! Great job buddy! -jenna
- Jenna on February 16, 2022
Wow! Jayce, you did a wonderful job on this piece of art! I love all the color and the beautiful sunset! Love you peanut! Jenna
- Jenna on November 17, 2021
I love this sweet pea! You’re so creative!
- Jenna on September 15, 2021
What a fun little bunny! Great job on your creativity! Love you! -Jenna
- Jenna on March 17, 2021
Poor little Chengdu, he looks sad. I hope he is feeling better! You are quite a little artist!
- Gramps & Grammy on March 4, 2021
I know exactly how your cute little panda feels. When I can't get to sleep, I feel sad too. Hope he can sleep well tonight,
- Grandma Deb on February 24, 2021
What a cute polar bear! He would love all the snow we have in MN!
- Grammy and Gramps on January 20, 2021
LOVE your polar bear munckin!!
- Deb (Mother) on January 13, 2021
LOVE your polar bear munckin!!
- Deb (Mother) on January 13, 2021
Your Gingerbread house looks terrific! I love the snowman standing on the side lifting his hat up!! Love ya! Grma D
- Deb (Mother) on December 15, 2020
We love your nativity picture! Your wood even looks like real wood on the nativity. You are so creative! Great job!
- Grammy and Gramps on December 16, 2020
We love your gingerbread house! The candy canes on the side of your house are so cute! Your snowman and Christmas tree are awesome! Love it!
- Grammy and Gramps on December 16, 2020
Your flowers look like they came from Grandma's flower beds! They are beautiful! We love your checked pattern. Love you?
- Grammy and Gramps on December 9, 2020
That is a mighty fine tractor you use on your farm, Jayce! I LOVE the wheels!
- Grammy on November 8, 2020
What a Fabulous Fish! I love all the colors and details! Great job!
- Grammy on November 8, 2020
What colorful pumpkins! I love how you outlined the pumpkins. That really make them pop! Awesome job!
- Grammy on October 14, 2020
What a "foxy" looking fox! He is so cute! Love it!
- Grammy and Gramps on October 2, 2020
Love this little fox!! He looks shy and cuddly!!
- Deb (Mother) on September 22, 2020
What a beautiful little fox! I love your creativity peanut!
- Jenna on September 22, 2020
What a glorious turtle! I love your artwork, Jace. I'm so happy Karen can share your work with me.
- Shirley on September 22, 2020
We love your colorful turtle! He has a cute face, too! ????
- Grammy and Gramps on September 22, 2020
I love love LOVE all the wonderful colors you made your turtle! He is very cool!!
- Deb (Mother) on September 16, 2020
What a cool colorful turtle! I love him!
- Jenna on September 16, 2020
Green eggs and ham?!! How cute! Love it!
- Grammy on March 11, 2020
Love you DR. SEUSS artwork!! Special gift from you on his birthday!
- Deb (Mother) on March 3, 2020
Love you DR. SEUSS artwork!! Special gift from you on his birthday!
- Deb (Mother) on March 3, 2020
Jayce, your sunflowers are awesome! You amaze me! Grammy
- Grammy on March 11, 2020
I love this little Love Monster!!
- Deb (Mother) on February 5, 2020
What a cute Valentine! I love his teeth!
- Grammy on February 4, 2020
Aww I love this little fuzzy wuzzy guy! Great job peanut!
- Jenna on February 4, 2020
So proud of how hard you work on your art projects! They are always thoughtful and very colorful! Love them and Love you!! Grandma D
- Deb (Mother) on January 27, 2020
I love the bright colors in your picture, Jayce! Awesome!
- Grammy on January 26, 2020
Love your colors and big hearts peanut! You’re a very creative little artist! Love you ??
- Jenna on January 26, 2020
Sweet little penguin. Just like you!!
- Deb (Mother) on December 25, 2019
Sweet little penguin. Just like you!!
- Deb (Mother) on December 25, 2019
I love your penguin Jayce! He looks SO cute and cuddly. :)
- DaLonna on December 25, 2019
What a wonderful penguin! You rock Jayce!
- Grammy and Gramps on December 25, 2019
I LOVE your angel, Jayce! Great job!
- Grammy on December 9, 2019
What a lovely angel! Great job!
- Jenna on December 9, 2019
How cute! I love your Pilgrim picture! You are quite an artist! Grammy
- Grammy on December 9, 2019
Jayce, your Pilgrim is awesome!! I am glad to see he made it across the ocean and has such a nice house to celebrate Thanksgiving in!!
- Deb (Mother) on November 19, 2019
Very nice work buddy! I love your pilgrim’s hat! Love auntie.
- Jenna on November 19, 2019
Great job, Jayce! We love your colorful bird!*
- Grammy and Gramps on November 13, 2019
I love seeing your colorful creativity! You are a GREAT little artist!!???
- Deb (Mother) on November 6, 2019
Nice work Jayce! This is a very creative piece. Love you buddy!
- Jenna on November 6, 2019
Your pumpkins are so cute! The stars and moon are awesome, too! You are quite a little artist!
- Grammy and Gramps on October 30, 2019
Great job Jayce! They are perfect little pumpkins!
- Jenna on October 23, 2019
We love your bowl of apples picture! Your picture is so colorful. We love all the different colored apples! Great job! Love you!
- Grammy and Gramps on October 8, 2019
Awesome job Jayce!! I can tell you love using lots of color to create beautiful art!!
- Deb (Mother) on October 2, 2019
Love your new picture Jayce! :) Great use of colors! Love you
- DaLonna on October 2, 2019
We love your artwork! You have so much detail in your picture! You even have rosy cheeks on your weird art teacher picture! Awesome! ??? -- Grammy
- on August 30, 2019
What a GREAT picture, Jayce!!! Nice use of color. I LOVE IT :) -- Auntie Dalonna