kasen142's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about kasen142's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a really cool drawing, Kasen! You followed the theme of the assignment really well. I love it! Love, Mom
-- Lauren
- on October 19, 2017
You did an awesome job drawing your self-portrait Kasen! I can see the resemblance! Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on October 19, 2017
Another amazing piece! I can see all the handwork that you put into your artwork. You are very talented!
-- Kamica
- on August 31, 2017
I'm very impressed that you were able to make these figures using just rectangles and squares. You're so smart and creative!
-- Kamica
- on November 23, 2016
I like the consistency you displayed in all of your robots. I'm curious to know their names. Great job!
-- Kamica
- on November 23, 2016
Oh wow Kasen, this piece is AMAZING!!! I love how you blended all the colors together while still leaving distinctive lines. Keep up the good work!
-- Kamica
- on November 23, 2016
This picture reminds me of Kasen and his Dad. I want to hear about how you chose the shape colors and about what's going on in the picture! Great job!
-- Kerwyn
- on November 22, 2016
Those are some very interesting robots. I can't wait to hear about what each one does!!
-- Dad
- on November 22, 2016
I like your use of the línea continua technique. You color choices are also very interesting and I like that you drew some of your favorite things...I see Peep in the lower right corner! Very nice work!
-- Dad
- on November 22, 2016
I love this painting! I really love the colors that you chose to paint with. It is very lively and interesting.
-- Mom
- on November 15, 2016