I figured out why there are TWO of these little girls posted: the first artwork is signed, and the second one isn’t. I think I’ve seen this little girl. And, I love her!!
- Grandma Mary on December 18, 2019
Your hot air balloon is lovely! I like the background sky, too.
- Grandma - Mary on November 14, 2019
This is so cute! I love it! I think I may need a t-shirt!... and a coffee mug... -- A.Kathy
- on August 21, 2019
What a fun picture and Idea. -- Kay
- on May 29, 2019
Eh What’s up doc? Tee here. . . Couldn’t resist the Bugs Bunny quote! Looks like this bunny is trying to get out of the ball bin, or else it fell into a huge basket of Easter eggs??? Another good job, and CUTE! -- Grandma (Mary)
- on May 22, 2019
Wow!! Looks like one happy polar bear! That view makes me smile, too. You are quite an artist, Chloe. :-) -- Mary (Grandma)
- on March 6, 2019
Good work, a lot of detail. Much love. -- Mama O
- on March 6, 2019
Awesome!! Are you going to be a designer like Mommy? Is this house haunted? It’s a little scary. :-) Love, Grandma -- Mary
- on March 6, 2019
Beautiful, such good work. Much love. -- Kay
- on February 6, 2019
I LOVE the sunflowers!!! And I love the artist even WAY MORE!! -- Grandma (Mary)
- on February 6, 2019
Chloe, I love this! It looks like a patchwork quilt of a stained glass window. Nice choice of colors and patterns. -- Aunt Tracy
- on November 1, 2018
Chloe, this design would make a FABULOUS quilt! The colors are very attractive together. I enjoy your creativity. Still looking for another bird picture for my bird bath!!! -- Grandma-Mary
- on November 1, 2018
This is one of my FAVORITE pictures you have made!! You know how I love birds--and I believe this one may be a brown-headed nuthatch. Is it? The background snowy day is done excellently. -- Grandma (Mary)
- on March 12, 2018
Am I looking down onto a garden with various vegetables planted in the different beds? Or maybe I'm looking at a beautiful quilt that is ready to snuggle under on Chloe's bed? Love the colors and patterns!! -- Grandma (Mary)
- on December 13, 2017
A winking angel? With visions of sugar plums floating above her head? Sweet picture. Sweeter artist!! :-) -- Grandma (Mary)
- on December 13, 2017
Wow, a lot of good work. Love, Mama O -- Kay
- on November 13, 2017
Mmmmmmmmm!!! My mouth is watering Chloe! You’re picture is delicious! -- Aunt Tracy
- on November 13, 2017
This picture looks both mysterious AND delicious!! I love your artistic creations!! -- Grandma (Mary)
- on November 13, 2017
Great job. Love you, Mama O -- Kay
- on April 24, 2017
It must have taken a looong time to color all that detail. I love how you filled the whole page! -- Tracy
- on March 15, 2017
I see a beautiful sunset! -- Tracy
- on March 15, 2017
Very creative! Love the colors (and the hairstyle!! :-) Love, Grandma -- Mary
- on March 8, 2017
This is BEAUTIFUL Chloe!! I like it very much. Love, Grandma -- Mary
- on March 8, 2017
I love this one :-) -- Aunt Kelly
- on March 8, 2017
Very nice Chloe! It's very Picasso-ish. -- Aunt Kelly