Asher1464's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Asher1464's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a cute frog ! Such a great job !
-- Gigi
- on March 22, 2017
Good job Asher ! Cute picture of your kitty !
-- Gigi
- on March 22, 2017
Looks like you had fun sending love out into the universe ! Good job Asher ! Xoxo
-- Gigi
- on March 22, 2017
Love the zebra bud!! Keep up the great work!!
-- Ryan
- on March 22, 2017
What a fabulous bird Asher! Is it a cardinal? I always love seeing the pictures you draw and look forward to your next creation! You are an amazing artist, a fantastic son and a wonderful big brother!
-- Ryan
- on March 22, 2017
Super cool Asher! Keep up the fantastic work! Love, Dad
-- Ryan
- on March 22, 2017
What an awesome painting bubba!! I'm so proud of you and can't wait to see your next creation =) I love you to the end of the Universe and back!!
-- Ryan
- on March 22, 2017