CHARLOTTE3806's Comments (37)

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Below are comments about CHARLOTTE3806's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Charlotte: Your selections of color and hand strokes keeps getting better and better with each new work. Its a pleasure to see your growth. Love Grandpa
- Laurence on January 29, 2020
Charlotte, You did a wonderful job on this Phoenix! I LOVE the color work you did on the bird itself and the fire below it. You are getting really good at blending colors! Keep it up! Love, Mommy
- Alena (Mother) on January 15, 2020
Hi Charlotte Very cool for the Holiday Season. See you next week for Christmas! Love Grandpa
- Grandpa on January 15, 2020
Hi Charlotte: Really nice work!!!! Love Grandpa
- Laurence on December 12, 2019
This is amazing!!!!!! You have such a gift, Chuckles. I am so proud of you! Love Mum..
- Mommy on December 12, 2019
MERIKA!!!!!! love, Mom and Dab
- Alena (Mother) on November 21, 2019
This is really cool, Chuckles.
- Alena (Mother) on November 21, 2019
This is so incredible Grandma n Grandpa
- Carol on November 21, 2019
Love this one! Love Grandma n Grandpa
- Carol on November 21, 2019
Amazing work Charlotte. Love the detail drawing and use of colors. Grandpa
- on September 11, 2019
This is amazing!!!! You are a thousand times the artist anyone in our family has ever been! You have such an incredible talent! I am so proud of you!
- Alena (Mother) on September 9, 2019
Hi Charlotte! Very good! You just keep on getting better and better. Keep up the great work. Grandpa
- on September 9, 2019
Charolotte I love this picture so much. Such detail and energy put into this artwork. Grandpa knew I loved it and so he just ordered a canvas for me to hang on the wall by my computer! Yeah! Love Grandma
- on September 7, 2019
This is wonderful, Chuckles! Great job!
-- Alena
- on September 4, 2019
That looks awesome, sweetie! Great job!
-- Jordan
- on September 4, 2019
Charlotte What a beautiful piece of art! Love Grandma and Grandpa
-- Carol
- on September 4, 2019
Hi Charlotte Your artwork is always getting better. I love the way you use colors. Grandpa
-- Laurence
- on September 4, 2019
Looks great! I love it!
-- Alena
- on April 10, 2019
Looks really cool! Love the patterns! -Dad
-- Jordan
- on November 15, 2018
Great work, sweetie! -Dad
-- Jordan
- on November 15, 2018
Hi Charlotte Great Snowman. Love his orange carrot nose! Love..Grandpa
-- Laurence
- on November 15, 2018
Charlotte What a wonderful piece of art! It looks like you are thinking of Christmas and the Holidays. I could not help to notice the boxes of presents on the outfit! Love you so much and hope all your dreams come true. Love Grandma
-- carol
- on November 15, 2018
This is still one of my favorites. Love Grandma
-- Carol
- on June 6, 2018
This is extremely creative and fun! Love Grandma and Grandpa
-- Carol
- on June 6, 2018
Hi Charlotte You always do such nice work. Love, Grandpa
-- Laurence
- on June 6, 2018
Hi Cahrlotte: Very nice. I like the choice of colors. Keep up the great work! Love, Grandpa
-- Laurence
- on May 21, 2018
This looks like it could be a few things. A little dude with a horn wearing a red mask with dragon balls floating over his head? or a Pokemon I haven't seen yet. I like it, Charlie Bear. It makes you think!
-- Mummmy
- on May 16, 2018
Nice Job Charlotte. Grandpa
-- Laurence
- on April 25, 2018
Very Creative. I really like it and it is happy. Grandma and Grandpa
-- Carol
- on April 23, 2018
Hi Charlotte: Very pretty and imaginative. You see many beautiful things. Keep up the good work! Grandpa
-- Laurence
- on April 23, 2018
I love this Charlotte! You are so talented!
-- Alena
- on April 17, 2018
-- Carol
- on March 16, 2018
Very creative Charlie ??
-- Carol
- on March 16, 2018
Charlotte I love this picture! Love Grandma
-- Carol
- on March 16, 2018
Great pig sweetie! You've always been an amazing artist!
-- Jordan
- on March 7, 2018
Hi Charlotte: Love the way you used the colors. Grandpa
-- Grandpa
- on March 7, 2018
I love this art!! Keep it going. Wow!!! ?? Love Grandma
-- Carol
- on February 28, 2018