Maxten3's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Maxten3's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Maxten--It's beautiful!! Ilove it!!
-- Wanda
- on January 2, 2019
Maxten--I love, love, love your giraffe! He is adorable! I especially like the spots you put on him! I love you, Buddy!
-- Wanda
- on January 2, 2019
MAXTEN— I love your painting! I’m a bit creeped out about the spider on the guy’s chest, but I like the colors you used! I love you, Buddy!
-- Wanda
- on October 24, 2018
Maxten—this snowman is still my all time favorite art piece you have done! I am so glad Mommy ordered me a copy! Keep up the great work, Buddy! I hope 2nd grade is a great year for you! Love, Papa and Gma
-- Wanda
- on September 17, 2018
Maxten, I love your self portait! If that is what you are going to look like when you are 100 years old, you are still going to be a handsome man! Grandma loves you!
-- Wanda
- on September 17, 2018
Maxten, I love your fish! It looks like a quilt fish!! I bet that took a long time to make! I love the blue shiney parts that look like the ocean! Is this a fish you saw at Gulf Shores?
-- Wanda
- on September 17, 2018
Maxten--I love your little burro. Did you read a book about him? I like the colors you chose to use for the blanket and basket. Very calming. I wonder what he will carry in his basket. Love you, Buddy!
-- Wanda
- on September 17, 2018
Is this lazy lizard lolling in the luxurious heat? I love his googly eyes and his curly tail. Does he have a name! All my love! Grandma Wanda
-- Grandma Wanda
- on October 27, 2017
Maxten, I love the picture you drew and painted of your house! I was wondering who was sitting at the kitchen table? There sure are a lot of steps in that house! Keep up the great work, Buddy! I love you and miss you! Grandma Wanda
-- Grandma Wanda
- on October 27, 2017
Maxten--I loved your ABC picture. At first, I thought it was going to be your name, but I was having trouble finding the "M" ! Then I realized there were other letters that were not in our name. You will have to make Gma a "name" picture when you are at my house sometime. I miss you Buddy! All my love! XXXXOOOO Gma Wanda
-- Wanda
- on October 27, 2017
I love this penguin Maxten! I need him for my winter collection! Love you - Mom
-- Miranda
- on April 14, 2017
Maxten--what an interesting picture. When I study it, I think it is a fish in the ocean, but it could also be a big storm cloud on a windy day. What were you thinking when you drew it? I love you, Buddy! Keep those creative juices flowing!!
-- Wanda
- on April 14, 2017
Loving the penguin! Do you think he ever gets cold? I like all the blue in the background and then the white snow with it! Good job! Love, Grandma Wanda
-- Wanda
- on February 24, 2017
Hi Maxten! Keep up the great work with your drawings! I especially love the penguin you painted--suppose he has happy feet? Love you, Buddy! Grandma Wanda
-- Wanda
- on February 24, 2017
Maxten, Love it. Great job. Love Dad
-- Josh
- on January 19, 2017
Maxten- I am so proud of your snowman picture. You have such an eye for detail! I love him! Does he have a name?
-- Grandma Wanda
- on January 9, 2017
I love this snowman Maxten! I'm going to frame this one! ????
-- Miranda
- on December 26, 2016
Maxen what a great artist you are!! I noticed you used your favorite color, blue, quite a bit. Grandma is so glad you also used my favorite color "red"! You have such a great imagination, Maxten! Keep up the great work! I love you, Babe!
-- Grandma Wanda
- on November 23, 2016
Good work Maxten!!
-- Mom
- on November 23, 2016