Ada492's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Ada492's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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ADA!!! Wow honey, you are so skilled and talented! Amazing!
-- Mommy
- on February 15, 2017
Ada! You have got to be kidding me!! This is amazing. You should definitely show this to my boss. -Daddy
-- Chris
- on February 8, 2017
Ada! That is beautiful! Nice job. Love you! Nanny
-- Nanny
- on February 15, 2017
Ada, this is an amazing piece of artwork. I love the intensity of the look in the feline's eye--it is looking right at me and it looks like it is about to pounce! I also very much like the level of detail that you made to help the viewer visualize the fur and the whiskers--the picture makes me feel as though I can reach out and touch the fur and that it would feel...well, furry. The other thing I like about this artwork is that it is an unusual view of the feline--the entire face is not showing, and that creates a curiosity in the viewer and makes the artwork visually more interesting. Great job!
-- Auntie
- on February 15, 2017
Ada! OMG this is amazing! You have a gift honey. ????????
-- Chris
- on November 14, 2016
Ada: This is such an interesting drawing. From my first look, it looks like you are making the picture from the perspective below your body--as though your feet are the closest to the viewer and your hands are the next closest portion of your body to the viewer. Since your face is larger then your torso, I am suspecting that you are standing with your feet on the ground and your hands on top of your feet. With the background it is hard to tell. If you made this drawing indoors, you would be looking at the ceiling as a background. If you made the drawing outdoors then the background would be the sky. I suspect that if you were bending over and touching your shoes with your hands that your hair would fall forward and would not be so nicely fashioned. That means that you might be laying on a carpet with your legs and arms in the air--am I correct?
-- Auntie
- on November 16, 2016
Ada, what a great piece! Love you nanny & gramps
-- Nanny
- on November 10, 2016
Ada: Your picture is so colorful and luminous. You can see where the subtle illumination of the grass and pumpkins is lighter closer to the light source (moon and stars) and darker as the objects recede from the light source (shadows on the ground beneath the pumpkins on the side farther from the light source). Your colors are so life-like and they vary with the light source, too (light yellow on the tops of the pumpkins and darker orange toward the bottom. You are quite the artist--great job. Love Auntie
-- Auntie
- on November 8, 2016
Honey, this is beautiful - your talent and hard work are apparent. Keep sharing your arty hearty with the world!
-- Marie
- on November 7, 2016
Ada! This is so beautiful! You are such a talent. Love, dad
-- Chris
- on November 6, 2016