Ty3400's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Ty3400's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ty, the five artworks you have completed reveals the LORD has gifted you with artistic talent. May you use this gift to honor God as you mature in Christ.
-- Uncle Tan
- on April 5, 2017
Love the abstract landscape! It looks almost like a soft fluffy quilt that I want to reach out and touch! Mom
-- Bobbi
- on March 27, 2017
Wow! What detailed work of art, Ty! Love, Mom
-- Bobbi
- on March 27, 2017
The picture of your tiger is terrific. I am impresssed by your talent11
-- Barbara
- on March 27, 2017
Good Picasso artwork is hard to find.
-- Uncle Tan
- on March 27, 2017
This reminds of "Starry Night," with pumpkins. Keep up the good work!
-- Lynn
- on December 14, 2016
Ty It looks like you made a beautiful quilt!!! I can'twait to see it in person. Love Barbara
-- Barbara
- on November 30, 2016
Good work Ty. It looks amazing. So proud of you. Auntie Helen
-- Helen
- on November 16, 2016
Another masterpiece!
-- Uncle Tan
- on November 2, 2016
Ty- I think this art piece- Midnight Pumpkin Patch, is by far one of your best work! I love how you use lights, colors and shadows to show depths. Great work!
-- Bobbi
- on October 17, 2016
That is a wonderful looking artwork. Great job Ty!
-- Uncle Tan
- on November 16, 2016
Hi buddy boy, that's a good looking basket you have there. Very nice depth with your shading. ??
-- Jon
- on September 30, 2016
Nice work, Ty! The fruits look so colorful and realistic. It makes me want to reach out and grab one!
-- Bobbi
- on September 29, 2016