Katherine7689's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Katherine7689's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Katherine What a wonderful expression your tiger has. The expression reminds me of one that our kitty Jason displays when I have not given hm enough food - Uhmm is that it? I love the background color and how you position you rsubject - how she projects from the base of the canvas.
-- Lisa And Tim
- on April 12, 2017
Hi Sweetpea. I see you are still making beautiful pictures in your art class at school. We are thrilled to be able to see your work from school. Keep working hard, Sweetie. It really shows in the work you do. Love U! Grandma Pat
-- Grandparents Pat And Larry
- on December 28, 2016
This is a fantastic drawing. I am so proud of of Katherine and the fine work she is doing!
-- Grandpa Don
- on November 23, 2016
thank you for your compluments I love art!
-- Katherine (:
- on November 2, 2016
What a wonderful fall picture. I love that it is night time with the pumpkins bright in the light of the moon. xxx
-- Lisa
- on October 30, 2016
This should be framed and hung proudly. I'd put it in my kitchen! Amazing job Katherine! We will be watching for more of your creative art!
-- Grandma Pat
- on October 30, 2016
This is so beautiful!! Looks like the pumpkin patch is just waiting for the arrival of The Great Pumpkin and Charlie Brown!
-- Grandma Pat
- on October 30, 2016