James21282's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about James21282's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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James great job with the color choices. it looks really nice.
-- dad
- on November 15, 2017
I am continually amazed at what a great artist you are becoming. Keep up the good work Am so proud of you. Mimi
-- Janet
- on November 8, 2017
I also want to add...this really does look like Jack! Now, Jack usually has a smile on his face, but other than that I can really see a resemblance! I'm super impressed! XoXo Mom
-- Jennifer
- on November 1, 2017
James this is a great drawing of your friend Jack. Keep up the great work.
-- dad
- on November 1, 2017
Very cool James. That is something i can not do....
-- Dad
- on October 25, 2017
Way to go James it is awesome...
-- Dad
- on October 25, 2017
Jamie! That is really impressive! I could never draw something like that. I'm proud of you (as always :)!
-- Jennifer
- on October 20, 2017
I'll say it again. We are so proud of you and the unbelievable talent you are showing with your artwork. Keep up the good work! Love Mimi and Papa
-- Janet
- on October 11, 2017
I am so proud of you and VERY impressed with your talent. The eye is perfect. We love you - Mimi and Papa
-- Janet
- on October 11, 2017
Whose eye is that James? I like it! Big and expressive with nice long lashes. Is it your sister's? Nice job.
-- Mom
- on October 4, 2017
James, this is really cool. You're certainly a better artist than your mom! Way to go :)
-- Mom
- on October 4, 2017