Riley13483's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Riley13483's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a nice one
-- Gammy
- on June 9, 2016
Love this one
-- Gammy
- on June 9, 2016
Gammy loves all your new pictures
-- Gammy
- on June 9, 2016
I like this Riley, great job
-- Rhonda
- on June 2, 2016
Riley, Papa and I are so pleased to see your artwork. Very good job. I especially like the one with your name. So proud of you!
-- Mary (K-Ma)
- on May 10, 2016
I really love this one. You did a great job again. For one who says that they can't draw,your doing a fantastic day. Way to.go kid very proud mom
-- Rhonda
- on May 9, 2016
I love this one. It shows alot of details . You should be proud!!!!
-- Rhonda
- on May 7, 2016
Great job on all your art work Riley .They're all so good that it's hard to choose .Love them all. But I have to go with the face and the block one.
-- Gammy
- on May 7, 2016
This is awesome love what you did with your name
-- Rhonda
- on May 5, 2016
I really like this, it shows that you can really draw. Great job
-- Rhonda
- on May 5, 2016
Great job Riley, I love this one especially the meaning of the art work
-- Rhonda
- on May 5, 2016