Lucas10021's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Lucas10021's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lucas, Your picture is wonderful. You did a great job on your snowman, he is all dressed up. Your background is very special. You gave your snowman a lot of personality. Grandma Gayle
-- Gayle
- on February 23, 2017
Lucas, your artwork is awesome. I'm proud of you. Keep it up.
-- Gayle
- on December 14, 2016
Lucas, I love our owl, You did a good job.
-- Grandma Gayle
- on June 15, 2016
Lucas, You did a good job, very scary with the fire coming out of his mouth.
-- Grandma Gayle
- on April 17, 2016
I am so excited you chose to have your Disney hat in this picture. Just Great!
-- Grandma
- on April 11, 2016
Wow! Lucas, you did such a good job on the dog, the blanket and his paw prints. I'm proud of you.
-- Grandma Gayle
- on April 6, 2016
Oh my gosh this is so cute! Love it.
-- Grandma W
- on April 11, 2016