Madelyn4419's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Madelyn4419's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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All of your work is beautifully done you have motivation, great grama jan
- Great Grandma Jan on February 18, 2024
This is so cute
- Great grandma Jan on June 14, 2023
This is so beautiful
- Great grandma Jan on June 9, 2023
Very creative, keep up all of your good work. Very proud of you.
- Great Grandma Jan on June 7, 2023
LOL! I love it! Great imaginative creation! Hello, Hello, Can you hear me now!
- Great Aunt Connie on May 30, 2023
Very very good, all of your pictures are fabulous, keep up all your beautiful pictures, great gramma
- Great Grandma Jan on May 17, 2023
You are just so talented, getting better with each picture. So proud of you.
- Great grandma Jan on April 5, 2023
Madelyn, you are so talented! I would love to be able to draw like you do! Grammy Veeneman
- Kathryn(fan) on April 5, 2023
You are very good with your art, just keep it up so proud of you.
- Great Grandma Jan on March 24, 2023
Beautiful mixture of shapes and colors. Love the pastel colors that you used!
- Great Aunt Connie on March 24, 2023
You are doing sooooo good, keep up your good work, very proud of you
- Great Grandma Jan on March 21, 2023
This one reminds me of a song I used to sing when I was a kid.....He'd fly through the air with the greatest of ease. A daring young man on the flying Trapeze!
- Great Aunt Connie on March 8, 2023
Chi Town!! I hope you have the opportunity to see this city one day! Especially the Chicago Art Institute!
- Great Aunt Connie on March 7, 2023
Your work reminds me so much of Peter Max! I loved his work and tried to copy his style when I was about your age. Google him and check out his work. I loved to draw and color in my younger days too! Keep going Madelyn!
- Great Aunt Connie on February 21, 2023
STRIKE!!! You win!
- Great Aunt Connie on February 8, 2023
This one reminds me of me! It's a wonderful feeling when each piece comes together in harmony with another even though they have different attributes....just like humans....some are the same while others aren't but somehow each piece finds it's perfect match.
- Great Aunt Connie on January 31, 2023
Even Sloths need to relax??
- Grammy/Tami on January 31, 2023
You've really evolved with your Artwork since you first began. I should have this one on all of my walls to remind me that I am strong and will fight all obstacles that life challenges me with!! Mucho love young lady! So proud of you!
- Great Aunt Connie on January 31, 2023
This one is very interesting Madelyn! You're going to have to tell me about it when we see each other. I'm almost getting a feeling of a creature of the earth - like a garden nymph. Green eyes like pickles, a carrot nose and lips the color of beets! You're going to have to tell me the story about this one :)
-- Great Aunt Connie
- on June 8, 2017
Madelyn - this reminds me of a movie I saw a long, long time ago where the creature was part human, part amphibian! He (or she?) could walk amongst humans AND swim like a fish. Love the blue color you used because it's my favorite!!
-- Great Aunt Connie
- on May 24, 2017
I must have missed this one! Beautiful colors and textures. Amazing job!
-- Connie
- on March 8, 2017
Wow Madelyn! This one is Crazy Cat Cool! I especially love the curly tail on the cat and I love your color choices. You just keep getting better and better! Big Hugs!
-- Connie
- on March 8, 2017
Great job Madelyn! Of course a "greenhouse girl" would think of making flowers!
-- Great Aunt Connie
- on January 29, 2017
Madelyn - your work just gets better and better! You're going to have some art on my walls soon!
-- Great Aunt Connie
- on December 15, 2016
What beautiful work Madelyn! I love the colors and your vision!
-- Great Aunt Connie
- on November 10, 2016
What a great picture! I love the way you used lines to show texture and movement! Nice work!!!
-- Aunt Kristi
- on November 9, 2016