Holden1228's Comments (60)

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Below are comments about Holden1228's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Holden, This picture reminds me of my elementary school teacher in 6th grade. I like the way your art expresses the personality of the subject.
- Norman on October 17, 2023
Holden--This looks like the colors of the rainbow. You have a jigsaw puzzle background which is just discernable and that makes it intriguing.
- Norman on October 17, 2023
Holden--This looks like a native of the Polynesian islands. I like the kneeling position and the native skirt.
- Norman on October 17, 2023
Holden this painting looks like a medieval princess or lady of the manor. The swirl above her head reminds me of an angel with a halo. Very nice picture!
- Norman on October 17, 2023
Holden--this piece of art looks like what I used to see in a kaleidoscope. The triangular sections make it look like it is three dimensional to me. We used to play with these kaleidoscopes when I was a child and could be amused for hours turning the cylinder over and over making new pictures.
- Norman on March 22, 2023
Holden, This Islamic art appears similar to several cells with nuclei in the middle. It is quite creative!
- Norman on March 22, 2023
Holden--This is a beautiful vase of flowers! It reminds me of the Christmas flowers that your mother sent us this year. You have become quite the artist.
- Norman on January 11, 2023
Holden--This looks like you superimposed on a checker board. It looks very creative.
- Norman on January 11, 2023
Holden--This capital H must stand for Holden. It is very elaborate and looks like the letter is flashing different colors. I really like it.
- Terry on January 11, 2023
Holden--This plastilina bust sculpture is very well done! It looks like a professional sculpturist did it. You have excellent artistic talents.
- Terry on January 11, 2023
Holden--This chalk column looks like columns from ancient Rome. I really like the detail on it.
- Terry on January 11, 2023
Holden--This is a great rendition of a bird. I particularly like your color choice. I also like the limb's real wood-like profile.
- Terry on January 11, 2023
Beautiful slab house, Holden!
- Norman on January 11, 2023
Holden--This looks like a great ape or a large monkey. I like the color contrast and the feeling of the jungle plants.
- Norman on January 11, 2023
Nice picture, Holden!
- Norman on January 11, 2023
Holden--This is a great picture of the pyramids! I especially like the way you showed the sand.
- Terry on January 11, 2023
Beautiful flower, Holden! It looks similar to a daffodil, but the leaves are different. I really like it.
- Terry on January 11, 2023
Holden: This cave man drawing is very authentic! I really like the look of your buffalo.
- Norman on January 11, 2023
Holden, This is a very nice flower that you have made! Susanne loves the blue and white colors.
- Norman on January 11, 2023
Holden--This yarn project is very well done! It reminds me of you and follows the instructions given.
- Norman on January 11, 2023
Holden, This looks like a dog. Is it Wilson? I really like it.
- Norman on August 11, 2020
This is a very nice tree that you have drawn.
- Norman on August 11, 2020
Holden: This picture is a very nice quilt. It looks like pretty colored fabric.
- Norman on August 11, 2020
Holden: Is that you in the picture? It looks real nice with a hill in the background.
- on August 11, 2020
This cactus looks sun parched. Is it a saguaro?
-- Norman
- on July 24, 2019
Holden: This looks like a squid. I remember 20,000 leagues under the sea with captain Nemo and the giant squid. That was one scary movie for the 50's!
-- Norman
- on July 24, 2019
Holden: Those chalk poppies really look good. Your work in that medium is superb!
-- Norman
- on July 24, 2019
Holden: This looks like a face hiding behind bars. I like the different materials.
-- Norman
- on July 24, 2019
Holden: This cardinal is the state bird and is well done. I like the music score in the background. We used to sing the Virginia State song when I was in elementary school.
-- Norman
- on July 24, 2019
Holden: That is a great picture of a bear! I really like the scarf with the different colors.
-- Norman
- on July 24, 2019
Holden, This looks like a Spanish Galleon with all the rigging and sails. I like the sea and horizon that you made.
-- Norman
- on July 24, 2019
What a special cow!
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
Great apple tree, Holden. Is this a picture of your farm?
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
Holden--This sure looks like vegetables, especially Brussels sprouts and cabbage. I really like the presentation.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
This drawing is very creative. Who is your friend?
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
It certainly looks like a monster machine, Holden.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
This looks like an elephant. However, it looks like it has one large tooth. It appears to be an abstract animal.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
Holden, This head looks like a mask. The hair in the front makes it into two separate pictures--One the white head and the other a witch with a triangle on her head.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
This looks like a donkey driving a car. It may just be a donkey, although it looks like it has wheels.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
This might be a plant or several starter plants for spring planting.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
This looks like a great sandwich. It has every different cold cut between two pieces of pumpernickel bread.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
This looks like a bug convention. I get the feeling of movement from the squiggly legs.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
This looks like a toad stool after a summer rain. I like the different shades of coloring and the yellow dots.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
These melons look like pumpkins. They might be in a field, ready to pick.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
These Jack-o-lanterns remind me of carving pumpkins when I was a boy.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
This certainly looks like a bracelet with a face. I really like it.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
This is a great house that you have made, Holden. It looks like the historic house on your new property.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
These are great ice cream cones, Holden. I like the cross hatches on the cones. It makes them look like old fashioned sugar cones that we used to get when I was a child.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
Nice house you have there, Holden!
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
This looks like a city, Holden! It is very impressionistic.
-- Norman
- on November 14, 2018
That's a beautiful Christmas candle, Holden.
-- Terry
- on November 14, 2018
That is a perfect leaf, Holden! It has fall colors and might be a dogwood leaf. Well done!
-- Norman
- on December 10, 2017
Holden: This picture is beautiful. I like the cat theme.
-- Terry
- on December 10, 2017
This looks like penguins on the march. Have you been to Antarctica recently?
-- Norman
- on December 10, 2017
This looks like a wolf. It appears abstract, but it has power.
-- Norman
- on December 10, 2017
Holden: This snowman looks really suave, with his black buttons and stove pipe top hat. I also like the fact that he is standing out in a snowstorm.
-- Terry
- on December 10, 2017
Holden your pumpkin made into a jack-o-lantern really looks professional. I'm glad you put it on grass.
-- Norman
- on December 10, 2017
This appears to be a face sticking its tongue out. It looks complicated in its design with scraps of paper.
-- Norman
- on December 10, 2017
These appear to be animals, such as teddy bears. The center image could be a crucifix or apparition. They are nicely done.
-- Norman
- on December 10, 2017
This is a very interesting tool. It appears to be a mortar trowel for laying bricks. I like the color selection of the different parts--very appropriate.
-- Norman
- on December 10, 2017