Calvin2293's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Calvin2293's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great artwork, Calvin! I love what you made from your scribble! Very creative!
-- Mommy
- on September 11, 2018
I like the composition a lot .. and the colors you used! What is Aronia?!! (that your Dad is talking about) Love, Grandma B.
-- Wendy
- on February 21, 2018
Beautiful Calvin! Looks like what I imagine the white shores of Aronia look like
-- Dad
- on December 27, 2017
I really like this work, Calvin! I especially like the blending of the colors. Great job!
-- Mom
- on November 28, 2017
Wow!! I love this Calvin! Great form, composition, and wonderful colors! Good job! Love, Grandma B.
-- Wendy
- on December 13, 2017
Very cool ! I think this is a squirrel in its tree on Halloween ... and Nori can't wait to chase it! Love, Grandma
-- Wendy
- on November 1, 2017
Calvin, this is a wonderful mask design!! You are really developing your own artistic style - we can tell your work, it's very unique, and great too! Love, Grandma and Grandpa John
-- Wendy
- on November 1, 2017
Wow Cal this is a very interesting mask! I like the colors and designs you chose! Super job!
-- Cathy
- on October 26, 2017
Love this painting Cal! So cool!!! :-D
-- Dad
- on October 26, 2017
Amazing job, Calvin! I really like this picture! I think this is one of my favorites!!!
-- Cathy
- on October 26, 2017
I love your new artwork! It is so interesting!
-- Cathy
- on September 29, 2017
Really interesting drawing, Cal - makes you use imagination!
-- Grandma B
- on September 27, 2017
Great work, Calvin! I love it!
-- Mom
- on September 1, 2017
I love seeing your artwork! This looks great!
-- Cathy
- on March 20, 2017
Love this project, Calvin! So colorful!
-- Cathy
- on December 31, 2016
Hi Calvin! Your art just keeps on getting more and more interesting!! Are you enjoying it, doing these different kinds of paintings? I hope so! We are enjoying seeing them on-line!! Looking forward to being with you, and Mom and Dad, in Maine this summer! Love, Grandma and Granddad
-- Wendy
- on May 14, 2016
Great job! Very colorful! Love, Mommy
-- Cathy
- on May 7, 2016
Calvin, what interesting designs you've made! They are GREAT!!! Love, Grandma B.
- on May 7, 2016
Beautiful, Calvin! I love the colors you used!
-- Cathy
- on April 14, 2016
This collage is very wonderful, makes me think that it is just the kind of thing you like to do! Nice work! Love, Grandma and Grandpa
-- Grandma
- on March 29, 2016
I really like this, Cal! It looks like a spring crocus to me, happy painting!! Love, Grandma B and Grandpa John
-- Grandma B
- on March 29, 2016
Very interesting!!!!!!!
-- Cathy
- on March 26, 2016
This is beautiful!!!!
-- Cathy
- on March 26, 2016