Emma27906's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Emma27906's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Another fantastic drawing. I still like the self portrait best. Love you, Nana M
-- Maureen
- on November 7, 2017
Interesting collage. I like it! Hugs, Nana Maureen
-- Maureen
- on November 7, 2017
Sweetheart--you are doing so well as an artist. You and I need to paint together again. Nana
-- Deborah
- on November 7, 2017
I love the way you drew the ground area. I would never have thought of how to do this. I love the single spot on the horse. Did you name this one "Spot"? Ha!
-- Maureen
- on September 29, 2017
I can't believe I missed commenting on this. It's so cute & lovable! Do you keep it on your bed?
-- Maureen
- on September 29, 2017
Terrific pottery even though I don't like snakes! How you managed to create this is beyond me. How did you ever think of this? It's ingenious! Love, Nana Maureen
-- Maureen
- on September 29, 2017
Gorgeous! Your butterfly almost sparkles.
-- Maureen
- on September 29, 2017
A self portrait! WOW! It's YOU!
-- Maureen
- on September 29, 2017
I love it! This makes me wish there was a cartoon with this cute leopard! Once again, you are so talented. BIG hugs of love, Nana Maureen
-- Maureen
- on September 29, 2017
Your work is starting to look lie your Nana's. What a talented gift you have for drawing, painting, & sculpting. Love you, Nana M.
-- Maureen
- on September 29, 2017
Beautiful. This would be perfect to frame & put in my bathroom. Your Nana can maybe make me a paper copy.
-- Maureen
- on September 29, 2017
Ooo,, It's gorgeous. I love it. It would make fantastic wall paper! Nana M
-- Maureen
- on September 29, 2017
Damien is adaorable- just like you! I'm so happy you share w/me! Hugs, Nana Maureen
-- Maureen
- on September 29, 2017
I always new you were a Cat-woman! Cute
-- Nana
- on May 29, 2016
Emma, I love this Cat you have done such a great job. Keep up all the fabulous work you are doing. I love you!
-- Auntie Donell
- on February 26, 2016
This is beautiful! Takes my breath away. You are so talented. So ask your Nana to figure out a way she can enlarge this so I can frame it & hang it in my house! Love you, Sweetie!
-- Maureen
- on February 26, 2016
This is wonderful and inventive! Good job sweetheart
-- Deb (Nana)
- on February 26, 2016
I love this picture!
-- Auntie Donell
- on February 20, 2016
Emma, All your Artwork is great! You are very talented. Love you baby!
-- Auntie Donell
- on February 20, 2016
This is my favorite Emma, you are so incredibly talented!
-- Andrea
- on February 18, 2016
This looks terrific, sweetie! Good job. Nana
-- Deb
- on February 17, 2016
love this!!
-- Jennifer
- on February 16, 2016
that is really great...keep it up, Emma!!
-- Jennifer
- on February 16, 2016
Brett Bloom Keep up the good work Emma you are amazing Love Dad
-- Brett
- on February 16, 2016
Emma, well done Grandma Juana & Grandpa Bob
-- Juanita And Bob
- on February 16, 2016