Anthony23094's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Anthony23094's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job Anthony!!!!
-- Kira
- on December 21, 2016
Nice die job and screen print.
-- Lee
- on December 21, 2016
Anthony you did awesome!!! I ?? it!!
-- Kira
- on March 5, 2016
Nice job buddy, I like how the cat appears to be looking over the ledge watching for prey to pass beneath.
-- Lee
- on March 5, 2016
Anthony, I just seen your Art Work. You did an amazing job. You are very talented. Keep up the good work and when you graduate you go on to Art School. I just can't believe how good the picture is. All I can say to you is Awesome !!!!!
-- Deb
- on March 4, 2016