Hi Autumn, I wonder if your turtle is swimming? He could look the same from the top or the bottom. Good job! Grandpa -- Don
- on May 19, 2019
Hi Autumn, I'm glad you know how to weave - I might need some socks. I like the colors too. Good job! Grandpa -- Don
- on May 19, 2019
We think this was very colorful good job ,,, grandpa pat and grandma sue -- Sue
- on May 8, 2019
Turtle,turtle,love the color -- Shelly
- on May 1, 2019
I like this art project,nice color choices -- Shelly
- on May 1, 2019
Love your art autumn! -- Jesse
- on March 21, 2019
Very mesmerizing Autumn - it reminds me of the 1960's! Good job with intricate detail and colors. I hope to see more of your amazing artwork this year! Grandpa -- Don
- on March 21, 2019
Autumn,this piece is so cool,the colors are amazing -- Shelly
- on October 3, 2018
Wow Autumn, I really like the colors and your creativity. Keep up the good work! Grandpa -- Don
- on September 30, 2018
I’m sorry Autumn, Those were supposed to be exclamation marks (!!). I love the colors you chose! -- Nana
- on June 13, 2018
Very colorful artwork!!! It looks like you had fun doing this project. I like it ?? -- Nana Mary
- on June 8, 2018
Such good work,you could make a bunch of bracelets in that pattern for the family -- Shelly
- on June 8, 2018
Very colorful Autumn. I bet you could trade that with a pilgrim! Grandpa -- Don
- on June 3, 2018
That could be a stained glass window,I love the pattern you used -- aunt shelly
- on June 3, 2018
Autumn this piece is beautiful,I would love to buy a vase like that -- aunt shelly
- on March 22, 2018
Hi Autumn, Wow, very nice composition and choice of colors.....I ordered more magnets. Keep up the good work! Grandpa -- Don
- on March 12, 2018
I like the felt it makes it pop, the frame is neat too... -- DAD
- on February 20, 2018
Hi Autumn, Very colorful...I like it. Good job! Grandpa -- Don
- on February 15, 2018
So colorful,I bet this piece of art was so fun to make,I love it and I love you -- aunt shelly
- on February 15, 2018
You are so talented,the storm is coming in this beautiful picture -- aunt shelly
- on February 7, 2018
Nice job Autumn! Is that a rainbow? I like the colors. Grandpa -- Donald
- on February 7, 2018
Hi Autumn, Looks like a stormy day. I like your rain cloud with rain falling just near the house! Nice job! Grandpa -- Donald
- on February 7, 2018
Wow! Autumn, I really like your rainbow. Keep up the good work. You are very talented!!! -- Mary
- on February 7, 2018
Hi Autumn, I see a star, but no guitar! Good job! Grandpa -- Don
- on February 7, 2018
Hi Autumn, I don't know how you make those lines so straight Good job! I like the colors too. Grandpa -- Don
- on May 25, 2017
Hi Autumn, I like your bridge and I bet those are trees in the background. Good contrast with colors too. Keep up the good work! Grandpa -- Don
- on May 10, 2017
We love your artwork Autumn, keep them coming love MOM AND DAD! -- Jesse
- on May 4, 2017
Hi Autumn, I like your castle...especially the balconies and the big door. Good job! Grandpa -- Donald
- on May 4, 2017
Your swatch of the Kimono is pretty interesting Autumn. You will have to show it to me later and we can talk about it. Nice colors and intricate stitching...good job!! Grandpa -- Don
- on January 25, 2017
Looks like a Picasso to me -- Pat
- on December 7, 2016
Autumn, I like your birch tree forest - it reminds me of our cabin. This design is perfect for the Christmas ornament I ordered too! -- Donald
- on December 7, 2016
Autumn, I absolutely love your newest work of art!!! Keep them coming! -- Mary
- on December 7, 2016
Autumn we are so proud of you, your art is beautiful! -- MOM and DAD
- on October 13, 2016
Autumn, I've been waiting a long time to see your artwork again. Now I can add this smiling beach girl to my collection. I really like her hair and goggles. Good job! -- Donald
- on October 19, 2016
I like the shoe Autumn (you'll have to tell me what that red thing is). You have a good eye for shape & colors!! Grandpa -- Don
- on February 24, 2016
Autumn, Looks like your happy little bear wants to get out! Good job! Grandpa.. -- Don
- on February 24, 2016
Very good I love it -- Grandpa pat
- on February 2, 2016
Hello Autumn - I love your artwork! It's awesome! You are very talented. Nana -- Mary
- on January 26, 2016
Autumn, I really like your artwork. The colors are perfect. It should hang in a gallery with other works by Pablo Picasso, but I'll always see it on a mouse pad. Grandpa -- Don