Conor1202's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Conor1202's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Conor, Your Pinch Pot Hearts creation is beautiful! I love the color mixture and the finish polish is very nice. Great work!!
-- Poppa Eco
- on June 5, 2016
Conor, The snowflake artwork really looks real. I read how you had to make a printing block and then transfer the art onto the art paper. I love the different color patterns you chose. Very nice artwork.
-- Richard
- on January 18, 2016
Conor, Great work on the Turkeys in Disguise artwork. You put a lot of thought into the design and the design is really interesting.
-- Poppa Eco
- on June 5, 2016
Conor Great work on the pumpkin. The design is really attractive and detailed.
-- Poppa Eco
- on December 3, 2015