What a great Renaissance self-portrait! Very nice work. -- from Miss Siwicki
- on November 27, 2005
This looks great! Keep up the nice work in class. -- from Miss Siwicki
- on November 27, 2005
Hi, Tess - 2 tongues and 1 eye - I hope I don't meet your alien anywhere around here! Is this a water color? The colors all blend together nicely-- good job! Love, -- from Nana
- on May 25, 2005
I think it is great. Just think of the fun you would have if you could bring someone like that to show and tell at school. -- from Mofa
- on May 25, 2005
Great alien, Tess! I hope she (it must be a she because it has a bow on its head) doesn't come to visit me! -- from Grammy
- on May 25, 2005
Great koala, Tess! It looks cuddly enough to take home and sleep with. -- from Love, Grammy & Grandaddy
- on March 10, 2005
Hi Tess, I think the kuola bear is cute. It would be fun to go to Austrailia and see one. Especially now, because it is summer in Austrailia now and I am getting tired of this cold weather. Keep up the good work. -- from Mofa
- on January 31, 2005
Hi, Tess Your bear is beautiful - it feels like his eyes are looking right at me. Did you paint on bark, or is bark painting shown by the red and brown bars? Great Job! -- from Nana
- on January 31, 2005
I sure like your Mexican sun! It looks good enough to eat, but I bet it would be a little hot. -- from Grammy
- on October 1, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia
- on May 8, 2004
I really like your farm picture! It all looks so nice and green and reminds me that it is time to plant the peas and potatoes. I hope to see more of your work soon. -- from Mofa
- on May 8, 2004
Hi, Tess, What a great farmyard drawing! I'm glad to see your mouse has some cheese to eat so he won't be nibbling on my plants. I love his tail. Nice to see your work in this museum! -- from Nana
- on March 24, 2004
Great mouse! We loved your picture of the farm. You did a good job with barn in the distance. -- from Grammy & Grandaddy
- on March 24, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia