Molly6605's Comments (39)

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Below are comments about Molly6605's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Molly you did a fantastic job on this, it really looks so good , you have taent.. love it!!
- Marianne on February 9, 2022
This looks wonderful! Molly you did a fantastic job making your elephant!! I love it!!
- Tracy on February 9, 2022
Molly, your artwork is fantastic! I love all of them!??
- Tracy on February 9, 2022
Molly I love the colors you used and I like that you signed your name in cursive This is the pattern that i ordered a mask in. Keep up the great work that you do.
- Marianne on February 9, 2022
Molly, you did a great job of shading on this , love the background of the picture. I really think you enjoy art, it brings out your talent which is good
- Marianne on May 20, 2020
Molly, Love the use of grid to show YOU!!
- Sue on March 11, 2020
Molly this has great depth to it and I like the colors you used, Keep up the good work
-- Marianne
- on October 30, 2019
This is very good Molly, you have talent.. you appreciate art.
-- Marianne
- on October 30, 2019
Fantastic job, Molly!
-- Grma Tracy
- on October 30, 2019
Molly this is so different from all the rest of your art. I like the contrast of designs. You are very talented and I love your art works..
-- Marianne
- on October 30, 2019
Molly, Love the crown, also all the great colors!
-- Sue
- on February 13, 2019
Love your project! Good use of color and texture! Good job Molly, Love Grandma Sue
-- Sue
- on November 27, 2018
I like the different designs and the colors you used, Very interesting. Keep up the good work
-- Marianne
- on November 27, 2018
When I saw this i thought it looked like a very Mexican design Molly you did a great job on this, I saw the plastic one also, but this is my favorite, Excellent job!!
-- Marianne
- on November 27, 2018
Love the colors, and design!
-- Sue
- on November 27, 2018
Molly i love your kindness rocks, they would so nice outdoors in my flowers, you did a very good job, love the colors!!
-- Marianne
- on November 27, 2018
I just love the colors you used for this , you did a great job!
-- Marianne
- on November 27, 2018
Molly, I love the use of color and 3D use of the paper, great job! Grandma Sue
-- Sue
- on May 9, 2018
Molly this reminds me of Spring, very nice, now if we could have Spring it would be better Love your art woek. you have done a wonderful job!!
-- Marianne
- on May 9, 2018
Molly this looks like you would wear something like this, you did a great job of designing. Keep up the good work. Love it!
-- Marianne
- on April 1, 2018
Molly, you did a great job, this reminds me of a project that grandma Tracy did in school she did a good job too. You have talent, keep it up.
-- Marianne
- on April 1, 2018
Molly you have great vision for art I really think this is very good, Grandma M&M is very proud of you keep up the good work.
-- Marianne
- on April 1, 2018
Molly, you did a wonderful job on this! You have great talent!
-- Tracy
- on January 24, 2018
Molly. Great Grandma really likes your Radial Weaving art work you just did a beautiful job, Grandpa just raved about what a good job you did.. keep up the good work.
-- Grandma M&M
- on December 8, 2017
WOW Molly, this is just so good looking, i love the design, you have artistic ability, keep up the good work...
-- Marianne
- on December 8, 2017
Love the shape you cut and color used.
-- Sue
- on December 8, 2017
Awesome job, Molly! Love all the colors!
-- Grandma Tracy
- on February 15, 2017
its beautiful
-- Marianne
- on February 15, 2017
This is so good molly, it reminds me of our beautiful oceans , the colors are so soft you did a great job. Keep up the good work.
-- Marianne
- on December 21, 2016
-- Tracy
- on December 7, 2016
Molly, Great Job!
-- Sue
- on November 30, 2016
Molly, Love your artwork and great choice of colors that you use!
-- Sue
- on November 30, 2016
molly, i think you did a great job on your 3D project, it is very good.
-- Marianne
- on August 1, 2016
Love the use of friends names with your artwork!
-- Sue
- on April 17, 2016
Love this, looks like stained glass, good job!
-- Sue
- on April 17, 2016
Your leaves are beautiful! Grma Tracy
-- Tracy
- on January 5, 2016
I really like this picture! Grma Tracy
-- Tracy
- on January 5, 2016
You do beautiful artwork, Molly! Grma Tracy :-)
-- Tracy
- on January 5, 2016
Molly, You are very artistic I really like all of your drawings, keep up the good work!
-- grandma M&M
- on December 30, 2015