Kelsey6312's Comments (61)

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Below are comments about Kelsey6312's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Kelz, this is so intriguing! I love how I can figure out your favorite things but it is no just in your face obvious with each one. Your creativity amazes me!
- William (Father) on September 19, 2019
Kelsey! I love your new art work. It looks like a poster. Very neat! Did you use markers to create this piece, or another medium? So glad you are taking art classes again.
- on September 19, 2019
I really like your latest drawing/ collage!!! Very nice the detail is amazing. Very very nice.
- on September 19, 2019
I really like your latest drawing/ collage!!! Very nice the detail is amazing. Very very nice.
- on September 19, 2019
Kelsey! I think you art looks just like me!!! Blue eyes and grey hair!!And she is very pretty, just like me!!
-- Judy
- on August 11, 2018
You have outdone yourself again!! The color tones and depth are amazing! I am at work right now but, would love to be in your world with you playing carefree. Love you, Faddy
-- William
- on April 18, 2018
Kelz, I LOVE your imagination and creativity! You have all the talent in the family! This place looks like a fantasy land. Great expression!! -love Daddy
-- William
- on April 18, 2018
Kelsey, I love this painting! It looks like it would be wonderful place to live. Everyone should h ave a fun pink pose with a little stream running through the yard. I love you quick brush strokes. That is SO painterly!?????
-- Judy
- on April 18, 2018
Kelsey! I love this painting!! You have a great snow suit, a beautiful sky, skies and poles, and lots of snow! It’s perfect. It reminds me of Utah. You are a very good artist ?????
-- Judy
- on January 10, 2018
When did you do this?? The colors are wonderful. You used opposites on the color wheel, orange and blue. Then you used blue and yellow to make green. I love the trees. Each one is different. You are doing such a good job!
-- Judy
- on January 10, 2018
Kelsey, I love this picture! It is so creative! And the composition is wonderful. Best Christmas tree ever. I can’t wait for you to tell about it
-- Judy
- on January 10, 2018
Needs to be in a museum! I love it!!!
-- FeFe
- on January 10, 2018
What a beautiful and creative card, great work. I love it!!
-- FeFe
- on January 10, 2018
I love it!! Keep expressing yourself without restriction!
-- William
- on October 25, 2017
Kelz, this is beautiful and I love the colors, you are so creative.
-- Granny
- on October 25, 2017
Great work! In my opinion it should be in a museum!!
-- Bill
- on May 8, 2017
Great job my little art genius!
-- William
- on May 6, 2017
POW! Back to you. I love comic books and this work of art reminds me of comic books!! Love it!!!!!
-- Judy
- on May 6, 2017
-- William
- on March 24, 2017
Very pretty! I love the colors
-- William
- on March 24, 2017
Kelz, This is so beautiful!!! Great work! You are amazing!
-- William
- on March 24, 2017
Kelsey, this is one of my favorites of all your wonderful pictures! I love the subject matter!!
-- Judy
- on February 22, 2017
Kelsey! Another beautiful, colorful picture!!i love it!!!
-- Judy
- on February 22, 2017
Kelsey, your art made for beautiful Christmas gifts!
-- William
- on December 28, 2016
?? Love, Love, Love your Christmas ??!!!!!
-- Judy
- on December 28, 2016
Kelsey! I LOVE your flowers. They are beautiful! Perfect for Christmas!!!
-- Aunt Judy
- on December 28, 2016
I love it! You are really doing some impressive art work!
-- Shundalee
- on December 7, 2016
Kelsey! I love your Sumo Wrestler!! He is so colorful, and he looks like he just won a wrestling match!!! You did such a good job!????
-- Aunt Judy
- on December 7, 2016
Kelsey This one is sooo YOU! The energy and fun jump right out. It's just like spending a day with you in a snapshot Daddy
-- William
- on October 16, 2016
Kelsey! I love your heart project!! It looks good enough to eat. I like the way you put the larger hearts in the back and the smaller hearts closer to the front. It shows you thought about composition! You are a very talented artist????????
-- Aunt Judy
- on October 16, 2016
Kelsey, I love your beautiful dream world.
-- Aunt Judy
- on October 16, 2016
Kelsey, I love your beautiful art work. The one you drew with your picture in the drawing is my favorite because it includes your smiling face that I LOVE!!!
-- Granny
- on September 29, 2016
Kelsey I really like this painting!! It is like your interpretation of a Andy Warhol painting/silk screen art. I think we should look up his art I think you will really like it. Amazing Job
-- Shundalee
- on September 28, 2016
I love your robot. I wish he could be real. And Sofia would love to play with the robot dog. The colors you used are so pretty and fun. Well, guess I'll have to irder another magnet for my bracelet!!!
-- Judy
- on September 28, 2016
Kelsey you are really doing a great job ! This is really a great robot and Giz is super cute. I am very impressed with your art young lady.
-- Shundalee
- on September 14, 2016
What a great robot!
-- FeFe
- on September 14, 2016
Kelsey! I love your picture!! It says SO much! We need clean water to save the oceans and fish, and us! We all need to take care of the earth. Good Job!!!! Aunt Judy??
-- Judy
- on September 14, 2016
Great Job Kelz! :)
-- Mommy
- on September 14, 2016
What a beautiful penguin! Great job Kelsey!!
-- Granddaddy
- on May 11, 2016
Love your work! As beautiful as you are Kelz!
-- William
- on April 25, 2016
Oh,Kelsey! I love this painting!!! It looks like a place I would like to be!!! Let me see if I can get another charm for my bracelet!!!
-- Judy
- on April 25, 2016
Kelsey, I love the colors in your latest piece of art! Excellent work!
-- Shundalee
- on March 9, 2016
Kelsey, this box looks so interesting!!! The next time we are together you'll have to tell me all about it!!
-- Judy
- on March 9, 2016
Kelsey, I can’t wait to talk with you this weekend about this piece of art. You are so creative!!! Love you! Granny
-- Pam
- on March 9, 2016
Kelsey, this picture makes me laugh! The next time I see you, you'll have to tell me about it. You used your imagination, and look what you did!
-- Judy
- on January 18, 2016
Kelsey, you continue to amaze me! Your artwork brings so much joy? The colors ans the compositions make me happy!
-- Judy
- on January 18, 2016
This is a great piece of art! Your craft is really improving and I am enjoying it. Great Job
-- Shundalee
- on January 14, 2016
Kelz, Way to imagine outside the lines! Looks good. So proud of you!
-- Daddy
- on January 14, 2016
This is so good Kelsey! You did a great job!
-- Shundalee
- on December 9, 2015
Kelsey! This is beautiful!! Where do you get your ideas??? You are so creative? I'm so proud of you??????????
-- Judy
- on December 9, 2015
Kelz Once again you have amazed me with your creativity! I love it
-- Daddy
- on December 9, 2015
Kelsey, This beautiful picture reminds me of all the lights you decorated our house with this year.
-- Granny
- on December 9, 2015
Kelsey, what a great picture! You are Mommy's perfect little artist. I am very proud of your beautiful art!
-- Shundalee
- on December 2, 2015
Kelsey, I absolutely love this picture!! It is so imaginative and the colors are beautiful. The colors remind me of Flordia. Maybe when we see each other you can tell me about this picture. I shared your picture with some friends where I work. We think you are very talented!
-- Judy
- on December 2, 2015
Kelz, This is beautiful! Way more creative than Daddy. Keep up the good work
-- Daddy
- on November 16, 2015
Kelsey, What a beautiful picture. I love the detail. Great picture!!
-- Grandaddy
- on November 16, 2015
Kelsey, this is beautiful art work! I love the colors ??
-- Granny
- on November 15, 2015
Kelsey! I love your picture. What a good job, the colors are so bright and cheerful. Thank you for sharing you painting with me!!
-- Aunt Judy
- on November 15, 2015
Oh, Kelsey, what a good job! I love the colors. I'm so proud of you!
-- Aunt Judy
- on November 15, 2015
Typo - Super Job !!!
-- Shundalee
- on November 15, 2015
Proud Mom moment!!! Super job ??
-- Shundalee
- on November 15, 2015