Gentry, you've been an artist for years and your new stuff is great! I like the tree best because it reminds me of fall in Atlanta and makes me think of you and everyone back there. You took all of those different types of paints, crayons and papers and made something beautiful! Keep it up!
- on November 9, 2006
Hi Gentry, Your autumn tree is so pretty. I wish the trees in our back yard were as colorful as the picture that you have created. We look forward to seeing you wonderful art work! Ken & Mary Eytcheson
- on October 30, 2006
You sure continue to exhibit a great feel for art in your work. I am guessing that this one has pasted-on leaves. The colors and water, grass and sky are perfect to make this one special! Love you, Grandpa D
- on October 27, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia
- on October 26, 2006
Gentry. what beautiful blue eyes, your pictures just amaze your grandpa and I, when we get home we will try to print these and put them on the fridge. -- from Grandma Moore
- on December 26, 2003
Dear Gentry, Your artwork is wonderful. You are a very talented girl. Keep up the good work!!! Ken & Mar E -- from The Eytchesons
- on December 26, 2003
My Darling Gentry: What beautiful work you have created for all of us to enjoy. Please keep up the good and fine work. Please know that your Parents, Family and all of us are proud of you and think you are pretty AWESOME! -- from Hugs, Ms. Rosemary
- on December 18, 2003
Genny Sue - Wow! Two pictures published! That's Awesome! I'm SO thrilled that I have a Gentry original on my refrigerator at home. (Remember the hand you drew for me?) I'm so proud of you! Love you lots - Miss Pam -- from Miss Pam
- on December 18, 2003
Gentry- "Untitled" is a great piece of work. Your use of color and shading shows a talent beyond your years. It reminds me of early Picasso. Keep up the good work. -- from Scott
- on December 18, 2003
Another great picture, Gentry. I'm glad you had the light off to the side of the young lady, and GOOD SHADOWS, because otherwise it would glare in her eyes and make her blink!! Good job, Sweetheart -- from Grampa Jerry
- on December 18, 2003
Good job Gentry! You are a natural artist and keep up the good work. -- from David & Christie Drake
- on December 18, 2003
Gentry: Once again you have created a beautiful piece of artwork. Keep up the good work! -- from The Ovington's
- on December 18, 2003
What A GREAT picture, Gentry!!! Your work can be compared with a very famous artist named Picasso... We're so very proud of you! -- from Mr. Mike & Miss Peggy
- on December 18, 2003
Hi Gentry! This is cousin Dawnya from Ohio! I love your self portrait! It looks just like you! I love the shading you did! Thanks for the Christmas card and photo! We have it on our refridgerator! Have a woderful Christmas! Love, Dawnya and Michael -- from Cousin Dawnya
- on December 18, 2003
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia
- on December 18, 2003
Gentry! How absolutely beautiful! Your colors are so vivid, I feel as if I am actually on one of the boats! You rock, girlfriend! -- from Love, Aunt Liz
- on November 15, 2003
Gentry, Your picture is beautiful. It reminds me of the beautiful sailboats that I see near where I live. Your drawing makes sailing look so peaceful and fun. Keep up the great work! -- from Miss Lori
- on November 15, 2003
This a beautiful picture Gentry the color is great. Keep up the good work and I'am going to show it to your Great Grandma. -- from Aunt Bon & Uncle Bud
- on November 15, 2003
Wow! Gentry, your seascape is wonderful! Your boats really seem to move across the page. I love the blue water and the colors in the boats. You, as I have always said are a talented artist. I am so proud of you!! I can't wait to see more. -- from Miss Pam
- on November 15, 2003
Gentry - what a nice drawing, how do you think of these things at such a young age. Wow, we have an artist in our family. Grandma Moore -- from Grandma Moore
- on November 15, 2003
Your picture looks BEAUTIFUL, Gentry! I'm so very proud of you! See you soon! Love, Miss Peggy -- from Peggy
- on November 13, 2003
BEAUTIFUL - Keep up the good work. I want this one for my office. -- from Daddy
- on November 13, 2003
Gentry, your art work is beautiful! Keep up the good work. Can you paint a picture of Nikita for Christie and me? We'll pay you $5.00 if you do a good job. Let us know if you are interested. Take care & keep up the excellent work. -- from David & Christie Drake
- on November 13, 2003
Beautiful drawing! It looks like they are racing. Good job, sweetie, and I hope to see more of your pictures soon. Love, Grandpa Dougherty -- from Pa Pa
- on November 13, 2003
Gentry, I am so proud of you. This is absolutely beautiful! Great job! -- from Christie Drake
- on November 13, 2003
Wow! - You are going to be a great artist. I love the picture -- from Marilyn
- on November 13, 2003
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia