Kim1228's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Kim1228's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a super painting. I like the wild look in his eyes and how he seems to be looking right at you no matter where I am in the room. Very realistic and excellent proportions in his image.
-- Roger
- on March 22, 2017
This is an excellent painting Kim. I like the color combination and the play on words. Nice work.
-- Roger
- on March 22, 2017
You did a nice job capturing her image and your use of light and dark shading really contributed to the serene and peaceful look upon her face. Such a good job!
-- Roger
- on July 16, 2016
This is a nice work. The detail contrasts with the fact that it the subject of the work is an "unfinished" structure. It masks me ask "what is holding the structure up?" even though I know it is just a drawing. You have talent!!
-- Roger
- on June 16, 2016
This is a super piece of art Kim. First, I like the lines, with bright colors and a dark headdress. Second, it looks like it is leading all of the object behind it and the different colors make it look like there is a lot of energy being focused on the helmet. It is almost like the helmet is drawing power from some unknown source containing different colored objects. Wonderful detail in this work. Excellent Kim.
-- Roger
- on June 16, 2016
-- Jack
- on June 13, 2016
I love the color!
-- Anastasia
- on January 29, 2016
Very nice drawing! I love it. I can recognize that you drew Angelina Jolie :) Nice shadows
-- Chloe
- on January 28, 2016
The way you color this picture is absolutely amazing
-- Uyen
- on January 28, 2016
I love the color and the powerful eyes you did there. Such wonderdul work!
-- Vy
- on January 28, 2016
That's nice Kim
-- Linh
- on January 28, 2016
Its so beautiful!!
-- Gabby
- on January 20, 2016
Excellent use of light and dark to frame the face. You captured and intensity in her facial expression that gives the portrait a look of excitement or anticipation. You are talented for sure!
-- Roger
- on January 14, 2016
I really like this portrait. You did a great job with light and dark contrast, and your shading complements the details of the face very well.
-- Roger
- on January 11, 2016
Very good job with patterned dark colors surrounding the facial features. I like this.
-- Roger
- on January 11, 2016
Great job!
-- Nhu Vu
- on November 16, 2015