Randy1461's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Randy1461's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Yours is so realistic, I'd like to pull it out and hold it! :)
-- Reese
- on June 15, 2016
Yee haw!!! I like your choice of nationality to represent. I love how you emphasized his nose ?
-- Mom
- on June 15, 2016
If I were an Egyptian I could only wish to have something as nice as this!!! You captured the picture well, Randy! (soy tu padre, mijo)
-- Dad
- on June 15, 2016
Lol i like it randy
-- Amy
- on June 15, 2016
The Bubblegum he is blowing is nicely interpreted.
-- Serina
- on June 15, 2016
-- Serina
- on June 15, 2016
Good job RTIR
-- Amy
- on June 15, 2016
Randy portrays his feelings, his scream with his facial and body expressions - a typical boy at school, wearing red shirt, color red which symbolizes joy, happiness, and vibrance, suddenly encountered an uncontrollable fear like after the unexpected loud announcement through the paging system, of locking up the school campus due to some major security concerns. Suddenly his whole world around him became black -- "I'm by myself, I can't go home, I won't be able to see my mom, my dad, and my sister!" What was left in his mind was the scene of slight greeny environment surrounding the purple griefing world. What's happening to him? -- His terrified eyes were wondering what would happen, and the real scream - his arms and hands shaking, tightly joined together, symbolizing praying, and his lips became dull, became pink.
-- Aurora
- on January 12, 2016
Just wow!!! Randy's explanation of his interpretation of ?Edvard Munch's Scream is not only entertaining but also admirable. I appreciate how he depicted the 'screamer' as himself as a character in the movie Indiana Jones (rolling boulder scene). We see him here wearing his school uniform, he’s covered in mud, sheltered in a ditch as not get crushed by the boulder. I like how he isolated the character while there’s a whole story peeking in the background.
-- Mom
- on January 11, 2016
What I like about this particular artwork is the smoothness of the color of the background that allows the viewer to focus on the boy holding his face as one would when they are screaming to cheer on their favorite team. The red shirt, the pink lips and the green grass were wonderful depictions of what the artist want the viewers to imagine about the meaning of his work.
-- Teets
- on January 4, 2016
Randy, it's your Aunt Juliet from the Phil. Your mommy sent this to me. I think your art work is very funny. It's simply and intriguing. Keep up the good work!
-- Juliet
- on January 4, 2016