Using your knowledge of anatomy, coupled with unique designs for each section of the rabbit make this one clever and interesting piece. I love how the organic feel of the rabbit and the designs work together. Well done, Kyle! -- Nanny & Gramps
- on January 10, 2017
I admire your attention to detail. Just look at all those whiskers! Your rabbit looks like he might be part of a quilt because of the color "blocks" you used. I can see that your artistic skills and creativity continue to grow! Thanks for sharing! -- Linda
- on January 10, 2017
Hi Kyle, What a cool machine! Just imagine all the books you could have with such a device. You'd have so many books in your house, they would be falling out the windows. I see you have a signal from the conveyor belt with the book cartons sending information back into the computer. Is this so the computer can keep track of all the books you've made? This is so clever; you are such a creative person and a budding mechanical engineer. The way you've drawn all the parts, it's very easy to see what they are, from the conveyor belt to the books and boxes, and all the steps along the way. I like your technique in showing the cylindrical shape of the pipe, too. Well done! -- Nanny
- on November 30, 2016
I think your teacher presented you with a very creative assignment. I kept thinking I saw shades of your Rokenbok toys. I liked the "Kyle" truck waiting to collect the books. I know you have read a "truckload" of books. Nice job with the little details; they give real meaning to your project. -- Linda
- on November 16, 2016
Hi, Kyle! One of the things I like best about your drawing is the shading you did at the top of the bag. I think it adds another dimension to the piece and makes it more interesting. Good work! Linda Raymond aka Grandma -- Linda
- on October 14, 2016
This drawing gets me chuckling every time I see it - CHOMP!! -- Nanny
- on October 14, 2016
This is a really nice piece. Kyle has a great understanding of light and shadow as evidenced by this work of art. Well done, Kyle! Love, Nanny -- Nanny
- on October 14, 2016
My favorite piece of your art yet, Kyle. Couldn't ask for bluer water! -- Linda