Kabree5's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Kabree5's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the Dragon it looks awesome in person.
-- Tony
- on December 13, 2017
Awesome art work as always!!!!
-- Tony
- on December 13, 2017
Glad we are done with snow but would love for you to show me how to make this.
-- Veronica
- on March 22, 2016
Great job Bree. I am glad you where able to complete the project. It was worth waiting for.
-- Veronica
- on March 22, 2016
You are very talented and I would love to have a piece of your artwork like this one! You will be famous one day.... Love you!
-- Barb
- on February 3, 2016
You are talented like your MeMaw!
-- Barb
- on February 3, 2016
Very happy design, love the HEARTS!
-- Barb
- on February 3, 2016
I love the colors Kabree. Your art work makes me smile.
-- Veronica
- on January 10, 2016