Evan14030's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Evan14030's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Evan Sweetie, I'm always really excited when I see an e-mail telling me that you have more artwork on-line. YAY! And I see that this most recent art is inspired by Science.!You know, the greenish blue drawing on the far right of your painting reminds me of some NASA space crafts like ORION. How neat is that ;-) I hope you'll show me more art when I see you in a few weeks. I can't wait!! Give yourself and your Mom a big hug from me and Uncle Denis ! We love you! Good luck in the show on Thursday!! Kisses, Auntie Buffy and Uncle Denis
-- Beth
- on May 31, 2017
Hi Evan, I love owls!! This is so cool! Sometimes we see them when wr go to the mountains. Keep making great art! Love, Auntie Lynda
-- Lynda
- on April 12, 2017
Hi Evan Honey, I just LOVE your very cool OWL! It's beautifully painted and you made a great choice of beads, too:-) I hope to get to see it....and your other artwork... this summer ;-) Love you so much, Auntie Buffy (and Uncle Denis...who thinks you're a good artist, too!)
-- Auntie Buffy
- on April 12, 2017
Beautiful Peacock Evan!!!
-- Auntie Laura
- on March 1, 2017
Hi Evan, Honey, What a beautiful sun!! It's wonderful to look at because you know what it reminds me of? The Lake Emily COTTAGE and all the fun in the sun we have there every year :-) I still have video of you jumping off the dock and spinning in the air before you hit the water! And fishing! And having fun with your Mama; Grandpa; Uncle Seth and Annabelle. Yes, seeing your sunny artwork makes me think of all the memories we make on the lake... and the fun times to come next July! We love you, Hon, Auntie Buffy and Uncle Denis (who wants to meet you someday!!!)
-- Aunti Buffy
- on January 18, 2017
Hi Evan Honey! It's SOOOOO cold here in France and seeing your colorful and artistic Mexican Sun makes us feel warm :-) Uncle Denis and I just love it! We're sending you lots of love and big hugs! They will cross the Atlantic ocean, then cross the Great Lakes, then the Plover River...right to your house ;-)
-- Aunti Buffy and Uncle Denis
- on January 18, 2017
Mr. Snowman looks c-c-c-COLD! Wonder why?? Good job, kiddo! Love, Auntie Lynda
-- Lynda
- on January 18, 2017
Wow, Evan! That's a really hot-looking sun! That's a fun thing to see when it's so COLD out! So glad you like making art. Keep it up! Love, Auntie Lynda
-- Lynda
- on January 18, 2017
Great job Evan!! <3
-- Laura
- on December 21, 2016
Hi Evan Honey, I LOVE this djembé that you drew...and the colors are fantastic! It takes a lot of concentration to get all those details 'just right'. I love "l'artiste" (that's French:-) in you! You know what? I think about you, and your Mom, and Granpa and Uncle Seth every single day. You are all in my heart. And seeing your colorful , well-done artwork warms my heart. Uncle Denis thinks it's great, too :-) He says "Bonjour, Evan!" Sending you a big fat warm hug from 7,000 miles away! Love, Auntie Buffy (and Uncle Denis)
-- Beth
- on November 16, 2016
Is that a flying robot Evan? How cool is that! Love, Auntie Laura
-- Laura
- on November 8, 2016
I love all the different colors and shapes Evan!!Beatiful detail! Love, Auntie Laura <3
-- Laura
- on November 8, 2016
This is great, Evan! It could be a holiday decoration!
-- Lynda
- on November 8, 2016
Hi Evan! I just love love LOVE your artwork! This one has cool colors and is kind of abstract. It's so great that you enjoy creating art. Your Uncle Gerry was an artist too, and I'm so happy to have another artist in the family! Keep on making your art. Your creativity is super! Love, Auntie Lynda
-- Lynda
- on November 4, 2016
Hi Honey, I am having SO much fun discovering your artwork! It's impossible to choose just one favorite drawing but I would give special mention to the Russian nesting dolls....you used such a cool mix of colors:-) The goldfish in a bag (did you win that at the fair??) is also in my Top 5 favorites. I'm delighted we get to see what you are creating in art class. Voilà! I'm going to show them to Uncle Denis when he gets up and I'll let you know which one he picks as his favorite. I heart you, Sweets! Auntie Buffy (A fan of yours !)
-- Auntie Buffy
- on October 18, 2016