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Parker6329's Comments
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Below are comments about Parker6329's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Pretty cool Blue Dog! I like his eyes. Looks like he is looking at me. Maybe we should dye Lexi, Meeka and Daisy blue!!!!
-- Grammy
- on April 13, 2017
Great job Parker. So proud of you in all your school woek
-- Kim
- on April 13, 2017
I really like the bear you made. He is certainly dressed for winter. You are a great artist. I enjoy seeing all of your creations
-- Grammy
- on January 19, 2017
Parker, your winter landscape picture is amazingly I'd like to be walking with you by those beautiful trees.
-- Grammy
- on January 19, 2017
Parker, this is a fantastic picture. Both the flag and eagle are amazing. You do great work. I think you are a super artist.
-- Grammy
- on November 16, 2016
Great job on the owl. Papaw said, "Of course it would be green." Parkers favorite color .
-- Sherry
- on January 19, 2017
Good job Parker. You are a great artist
-- Grammy
- on October 12, 2016
What an amazing job you did. I like the details on the larger teepee. You are a great artist.
-- Grammy
- on May 18, 2016
This is a very nice flower. I love the red color. Looks like a Christmas poinsettia. Good job, Parker. Love, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on December 9, 2015
Parker, the farmer and pig look like they are having fun dancing a jig Could that be Peppa Pig? Nice work.
-- Grammy
- on November 25, 2015
Nice work, Parker. I like the pop of bright colors.
-- Grammy
- on November 5, 2015