Emmerson89's Comments (27)

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Below are comments about Emmerson89's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Emme, Your art work gets better each time you create a new picture. He is a dog I would love to hVe Ain't Barbara
-- Barbara
- on January 30, 2018
Emme, Your winter snow scene is beautiful. I am so proud of and your artistic talent. Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on December 28, 2016
Emme, I really liked your cat and all the colors in it. Love Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on October 19, 2016
Emme, I love the heart, you are so talented!
-- Donna
- on March 30, 2016
Very pretty. Keep up the good work. Love Aunt Barbara.
-- Barbara
- on March 30, 2016
Wow Emme!! I just love this picture!! You are getting better & better with each project! Keep up the hard work! I'm so proud of you!
-- Grandma
- on February 25, 2016
Hey Emme. I love all your artwork! Keep it up. Love Uncle Rob.
-- Robert
- on February 25, 2016
Emmerson, I just love your penquin. This may be my very favorite. You are doing a great job!
-- Donna
- on February 10, 2016
Emme you did a very good job on the penguin. I love penguins and you too! Love Aunt Barbara.
-- Barbara
- on February 10, 2016
Wow Emme, you are becoming quite an artist!
-- Donna
- on December 30, 2015
-- Donna
- on December 30, 2015
Love the reindeer Emme! Good job!
-- Donna
- on December 30, 2015
Emme, you drawings just keep getting better and better! Keep up the good work, I'm so proud of you. Love you, Grandma
-- Donna
- on December 30, 2015
Emme, I'm amazed at your art. You really do a great job! I enjoy receiving pictures of it. Love. Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on December 30, 2015
Emme, you just keep getting better & better! Keep up the hard work, I'm so proud of you!
-- Donna
- on February 10, 2016
Emme,your artwork gets better and better. Keep up the good work.
-- Robert
- on November 21, 2015
Emme, I love receiving your art pictures. It brightens my day when I see your art. P.S. I love cats too! Aunt Barbara
-- Barbara
- on November 21, 2015
Emme, I just love your latest art work. Keep up the hard work! I'm so proud of you!
-- Donna
- on November 21, 2015
You are doing a great job Emmerson! I'm so proud to be your Grandma!
-- Donna
- on November 21, 2015
This is one of my favorites! :)
-- Momma :)
- on November 9, 2015
Keep up the nice work Emme!
-- Robert
- on November 4, 2015
Emme, This is beautiful. You are very talented. Love.
-- Barbara
- on October 25, 2015
Emme,thanks for the beautiful artwork! Keep up the good work.
-- Robert1
- on October 21, 2015
Nice job Emme. Keep up the good work.
-- Rob
- on October 21, 2015
Just beautiful Emme!
-- Donna
- on October 15, 2015
Great job Emme, you have a lot of talent!
-- Paul
- on October 15, 2015
Great job Emme! Beautiful artwork!
- on October 6, 2015