i love it harper. Wonderful colors and looks like you had a steady hand! -- Angie
- on March 14, 2018
Your artwork is beautiful with so much color and attention to detail! You are amazing! -- Brent
- on February 15, 2017
Hummm, what is the fellow suppose to be. I see he has no arms or legs. Is it a sea creature. Are those little bugs around him? Am I way off...that's what's great about art, everyone can use there imagination. -- Helen
- on February 15, 2017
Hi Harper, I do like your use of different shapes and colors. What was your theme? You should have your mom frame this for your room. -- Helen
- on February 15, 2017
Harper...this is such a great use of your imagination. The use of many different types of wood, and cotton must of felt different on your hands. One really soft the other so hard and firm. Why did you put the q-tip on the top? Very interesting. -- Helen
- on February 15, 2017
I really like this one....thank you for the Christmas magnet. I like the use of color on her hat. -- Helen
- on February 15, 2017
Is this a self portrait? I love it!! Your work is very detailed right down to the nostrils on your nose. LOL I like your lips too. I am surprised you didn't put red lipstick on. -- Helen
- on February 15, 2017
Hi Harper, You look very pretty on your new artwork. Did you know you were going to have your picture taken that day? I was wondering what the word "slide" meant on the picture. The next time you come to my house could you do an art piece for me? -- Helen
- on February 15, 2017
Would love to buy a magnet but, cannot figure out how to on this site. -- Helen
- on February 1, 2017
This is outstanding! I can't wait to see more. I like that her one flower is drooping and that she realizes that not all flowers stand perfectly!! -- Helen