William18465's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about William18465's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I recognized this Air Heads wrapper immediately! Looking at this piece make me hungry.
- Mom on October 23, 2019
Please, can I have this one?! I love it! It’s the first letter of my first name, so it’s perfect for me!
-- Love, Mom (“S” for Sandy)
- on April 21, 2018
William, When I first saw this piece, I wondered why you chose the letter S. Then I theorized that S is for Slytherin. Shades of green are quite prevalent in the piece and the letter itself resembles a snake. The blue-green vertical areas flanking the S have round markings that appear reptilian to me. Am I right??
-- Grandma
- on April 21, 2018
Is this a real mosaic or paper on paper? In either case, it is an interesting contrast of colors, shapes and designs. I particularly like the way you placed the triangular pieces--not randomly but suggesting flowers, parallelograms, flags, sailboats, etc.
-- Grandma
- on February 24, 2018
I love this one! The shape of the vessel is classic-no problem identifying it. The decorations are simple but varied enough to be quite ornate. The image in the middle is a bit abstract but I see the profile of an Egyptian woman working (stacking grain into a basket, possibly?) The multicolored background keeps the piece from looking dark and less than interesting. Good job!!
-- Grandma
- on February 24, 2018
Very interesting. Good job.
-- Candace
- on January 3, 2018
Nice work! Can you translate it for us??
-- John & Mary
- on January 3, 2018
This piece is very serene--one frog on a lily pad in the blue water. This is one of my favorites!
-- Grandma
- on April 12, 2017
Looks great! Looking forward to the weather warming up so we can see these in real life!
-- Mom
- on March 6, 2017
We love your bright, cheery flower! Candygram is right--it really would look great on a coffee mug! A great way to start the day!
-- Grandma + Grandpa
- on March 1, 2017
Nice artwork. Would look nice on a mug. I will let grandpa know.
-- Candace
- on February 15, 2017
This piece reminds me of Native American totems we saw in Alaska. The top part of the figure (the gold/orange) looks like an eagle's head. The blue section beneath it, looks like a snake or a long fish in water. The green section at the bottom right of the figure looks like a reptile head with the red bean-shaped objects being the reptile's eggs. In Alaska, each creature on the totem would have its meaning so the entire figure would tell a story.
-- Grandma
- on January 18, 2017
This is an interesting piece, William. I see a tree and a woman in the figure in the middle of the page. It makes me wonder if you designed it to be seen that way. It keeps me thinking. I like that. Nice work!
-- Mom
- on January 2, 2017
Love this! It gives the viewer an "autumn feeling." Nice work!
-- Mom
- on November 21, 2016
This piece remonds me of a patchwork quilt. Ilike your use of simple patterns on white and then more comple,, coloful images. Pleasing to the eye.
-- Grandma
- on June 8, 2016
The guy is a little scary, but I like the parts that you added, William. Nice job!
-- Mom
- on May 27, 2016
Good job, William! I love the bold colors you chose!
-- Grandma + Grandpa
- on May 8, 2016
This would make a beautiful stained glass window! Nice job, William!
-- Mom
- on May 6, 2016
Very interesting! I like how the color brings your eye to the figure. The black and white is cool too. Nice work!
-- Mom
- on March 30, 2016
I like it, William! The checked background looks like it took LOTS of time!
-- Grandma
- on February 24, 2016
Love this! It's so bright and cheerful. The heart is perfect for Valentine's Day! Nice work, William!
-- Mon
- on February 12, 2016
Nice work, William! It's fun to make the watercolor wash background, isn't it? So pretty when the colors blend together perfectly. Love the multi-dimensional part of this piece with the snowflakes popping off the page. Like actual snowflakes, each of yours is different and unique (just as I'd expect from weatherman/scientist William). Great job! Mom
-- Sandy
- on December 12, 2015
Good job, William! We like how you used both positive and negative space on the snowflakes and scattered them attractively on the page.
-- John & Mary
- on December 12, 2015
We see evidence of your love of all things Harry Potter in this piece. The dark shapes are unrecognizable and menacing - with the exception of the cross which is both familiar and hopeful. The shading in the background enhances the feeling by being eerily dark overhead but gradually lighting in the distance til a hint of dawn silhouettes the cross. As the DA fought the siege of Hogwarts, they knew they would suffer much to defeat evil but they did so bravely and reached the dawn - as described in the epilogue of Book 7. We like this a lot. Could we have a copy to hang in our Common Room?
-- Frank + Fritz
- on November 12, 2015
Spooky. Nicely done.
-- Candygram
- on November 12, 2015
Very spooky scene. Glad we didn't go trick-or-treating in this neighborhood!
-- Mom
- on November 12, 2015
Nice! We like how the repeating lines frame the yellow center and draw the eye to it. Making the red and purple lines irregular rather than just perfect circles makes the piece much more interesting. Good job, W!
-- Frank + Fritz
- on October 28, 2015
Very interesting to look at,William! We like how the repeating lines frame the yellow center and draw the eye to it. Making the purple and red lines irregular makes it much more interesting than if you had drawn perfect circles.Nice job!
-- John & Mary
- on October 28, 2015
Cool! Looks like he's sitting in the middle of a big, beautiful pink and purple flower.
- on October 27, 2015
Very cool!!!! Love the colors. Good job.
-- Candygram
- on October 27, 2015