Gabby, this picture is fabulous! Very cute blue kitten. You are an AMAZING ARTIST! :) -- Aunt
- on April 20, 2017
Gabby, I love the artistic style and creative flair of your Owl. Wow this is so very strong and expressive. Keep up the good work. I can see the attention you are being given in this A + effort. Listen to your teachers and you will be on a quick start to success. Congratulations and keep those paintings and drawings coming to all of us art lovers.Granddad Rich -- Rich (Grandad)
- on March 10, 2016
Wow Gabby these flowers are beautiful!!! I love the blue and white vase you made for the flowers too! Your pink background is so nice, it reminds me of a sunset! You are so talented Gabby, keep up the great work!! I can't wait to see more! Love, Aunt Holly :) -- Holly