Love this little guy! He looks just adorable on the pot holders we got for gifts to the family and grandpa & grandma for Christmas. Can't wait to show my friends your beautiful work!
- Susan on February 10, 2025
I love your fall arrangement! It looks so very real. Actually it looks similar to the arrangement you created on the office porch! The background colors are so soothing! Great work of art! Love, Gma
- Susan on February 10, 2025
I love your fall arrangement! It looks so very real. Actually it looks similar to the arrangement you created on the office porch! The background colors are so soothing! Great work of art! Love, Gma
- Susan on February 10, 2025
What an adorable, little fox. I'll bet it's shrewd! I am not an artist so I cannot tell what you used to create the fox. I just know he is adorable! Keep up the great work, kiddo! I love it! Gma
- Susan on February 10, 2025
I love the colors you used in this project! The teal is so it, love it, love it! I would comment on what it is, but I don't know. I am assuming this is an extra project you do when you are spending time after school with mom since it still says Northwestern Elementary School. I wonder if your middle school art teacher belong to Artsonia. I would love to see the projects that you do in school. Keep up the wonderful work, kiddo! Love, Gma
- Susan on February 10, 2025
Your clay gnome looks very fashionable dressed in your favorite color, teal. I'm wondering how you will display it. I'm thinking about buying a gnome for our patio area since they are supposed to bring good luck. Great work! Grandpa & Grandma with love!
- Susan on March 13, 2024
The "Pottery" you created is beautiful. I love the, teal and green. Congrats on a great piece of artwork!8
- Susan on November 1, 2023
I love "Doggy and Kitten!" Do I see a tiny football, too? Do you think Sparrow would wear that beautiful, teal scarf? Keep up the great work!
- Susan on November 1, 2023
I love "Doggy and Kitten!" Do I see a tiny football, too? Do you think Sparrow would wear that beautiful, teal scarf? Keep up the great work!
- Susan on November 1, 2023
You told me you couldn't draw animals. I believe "Cat" is a beautiful artwork! So very proud of your creative work!
- Susan on November 1, 2023
We loved seeing your clay animal bowl up close and personal at the Art Show last night. Daddy took a really good picture of you beside it. Keep up the creative work. Love, Grandpa & Grandma
- Susan on May 17, 2023
Your three-dimentional sculpture is very creative! I love those little, red hearts. Just reminds me of what a kind and loving child you are! Keep up the great work!
- Susan on March 29, 2023
I absolutely love this "Crayon" art work. I don't know how you created it, but I love how it shines from the paper. That's not a very artistic description of your work, but I do love it. I like the two colors of crayons that you decided to feature. Crayola is the best, isn't it? Great work, kiddo!
- Susan on March 7, 2023
I really admire your Crayola crayon work! I'll have to ask how it was created. It just glows! What would we do without Crayolas?
- Susan on March 7, 2023
Abraham Lincoln art project time again. Every year I believe he looks more realistic. I like how you drew his eyes this year! Keep up the wonderful work!
- Susan on March 7, 2023
Your most recent artwork is quite interesting. Since it is just titled "Extra" I wonder how you created it. I wonder if it was created on the computer or otherwise. Grandma isn't too swift when it comes to art so, I'll just tell you I really like it and hope to see more soon. Bless you for your creativity! Great job!
- Susan on January 11, 2023
Your Sean Charmatz animated object project is quite thought provoking for me. I read about Sean and learned he asks himself, "How can I make what I'm doing better?" I believe that's a question that we can all ask ourselves. We should always be striving to do our best and trying to improve. I know you have this attitude and I'm proud that you do! Love you!
- Susan on November 30, 2022
I love your most recent name artwork, "??????!" Your lettering is unique, at least to grandma and grandpa. The star in the "R" means you are a star, or very special, young lady! I really like the background and the blue lettering looks awesome on it. Keep up the great work. Love, grandpa and grandma O.
- Susan on November 30, 2022
Your "Abstract Tree" project is quite interesting. I love the colors that you used. I believe I see some teal in the project. I think I see some of the trees in our area represented in your "Abstract Tree." It is very flowing and free, just as the trees around our home are blown by the wind! You have done a very beautiful art piece, young lady. I really enjoy following your work on Artsonia! Keep up the great work! Love, Gma Orr
- Susan on November 2, 2022
Your project, "Extras" reminds me of an extraterrestrial creature! It looks to me like it is in outer space surrounded by stars, planets, the sun and some other creations. I am wondering what those designs are on its hands and feet. Congratulations on your "extra" cool work. "Good work," says Grandma and Grandpa!
- Susan on November 2, 2022
Looks like a great jar to be collecting insects. What pretty colors you made them. I see the chrysalis attached to the top of the jar. That must be an arachnid hanging from the silk he extruded. You really took time to include details on the jar lid and base. Grandma noticed that!
- Susan on May 18, 2022
I absolutely love this piece of artwork. I must order it on something very soon! Every time I open Artsonia, my attention is drawn to this awesome piece! It speaks patriotism for our country. Good for you for capturing that sentiment! It is just beautiful! Great work!
- Susan on May 18, 2022
I don't know how I got behind in expressing my love of your work on Artsonia. This is just beautiful. I wonder if this is your clay project for 4th grade. I wonder if it could be used as a birdbath if it were larger. Could be for one of those beautiful cardinals around! The colors are so soothing and beautiful together. Keep up the awesome work, kiddo!
- Susan on May 18, 2022
Your creation looks just like one of Dale Chihuly's glass creations. I see that he has one of his creations at the Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Columbus. Maybe you will be able to visit there this summer. There's also a really unusual creation at the Morean Arts Center in St. Petersburg, Florida. That's something grandpa and I can take a look at next winter when we're in Florida. Really, I prefer your art work! Yours is very interesting. I like the different shapes and colors. I know they would be beautiful in glass. Keep up the super, fantastic creative work, dear girl!
- Susan on May 18, 2022
I wonder how many different ways your chameleon can change color? Do you suppose it could even be teal? I wonder how your creative chameleon can move his eyes so he can see ALL around his environment. It certainly helps keep him safe. The coloration you made him is pretty bright. Another great creation, we love to enjoy. Keep it up! Love you and your creative art work!
- susan on April 6, 2022
Your "Points of View Snowman" is so nicely done. Is that one of your brother's carrots he grew for the snowman's nose? I can imagine laying on the ground looking up at him from your one view! This would be nice on a canvas to hang in our house to showcase your talent. Keep up the great work. We love to see your talent showcased!!
- Susan on March 16, 2022
Honest Abe...not many politicians are honest like Abraham was! You put many more details in your drawing than last year. I just went back and took a look at it. You continue to improve in all your artwork as you mature! You made him look like a strong man of great character! It's amazing that your artwork can show those characteristics! Keep up the great artwork. We love seeing it! Love, Gma and Gpa
- Susan on February 9, 2022
Your Christmas Ornaments art work is just gorgeous! Anyone would be extremely proud to have those decorating their Christmas tree! The colors are all just a little bit different. How creative your work is on this project. They would help some lucky person have a merry, merry Christmas! Keep up the awesome art work, dear kiddo!
- Susan on January 27, 2022
Hmm! I wonder what this "D" stands for that you created.The description says it is for a positive word banner. So positive words that begin with D could be dedicated and delightful. It's difficult to think of many. I like your background colors. The blue is very pretty. Keep up the positively delightful work. We love it. Gpa and Gma.. Love it!
- Susan on January 27, 2022
Your clay cupcake looks delicious! I wonder if that is grape frosting with a cherry and cookie on top. Looks like it to me! The cookie looks like the ones that grandpa eats for breakfast. You do beautiful work, kiddo! I always enjoy seeing your work in the Artsonia program. Keep up the fantastic work! Love, Gma and Gpa
- Susan on June 2, 2021
The iridescent feathers of your peacock look so realistic. Did you know that your artwork is a male peacock. The female is a peahen and the young is called a peachick. The eyes and face of your peacock are just gorgeous! Your peacock looks much like the lost peacock we had at our house once upon a time. It was a customer's pet and we did return it. You really captured the beauty of the peacock. We love your artwork! Love, Gpa and Gma
- Susan on May 5, 2021
I would say you definately have an eye for the style and color of Keith Harings' work. When I researched his work I saw the colors red, green and orange alot. His style is quite interesting and unique. I love the heart style you chose to follow. It's really looking good! Keep up the great work, dear girl!
- Susan on March 10, 2021
It surely looks like a very frigid day in your drawing. I think the color purple is used to show that it is really, really cold. I hope that snowman is bundled up really good to skate on the ice. The snowflakes are flitting to the ground. They are so light and airy. So there are some koi swimming in the pond. I hope there is a heater to keep the ice from freezing totally over the pond so they can get the oxygen they need to stay alive. Hope the snowman doesn't fall into the thawed part of the pond. Great drawing...I'm ready for hot chocolate! How about you? Great work, kiddo, Grandpa and Grandma!
- Susan on March 10, 2021
Ho! Ho! Ho! Your Pop-Up Christmas card seems full of Christmas cheer! I wonder if Santa is going up the chimney or coming down. I do see some lovely decorated presents in front of the fireplace so maybe he's going up the chimney to deliver to some other good girls and boys! Just wondering if those stockings belong to your brother and you? Keep up the great art work, young lady, grandpa and grandma love your art work!
- Susan on March 10, 2021
You created a very good likeness of Abraham Lincoln. Your attention to detail is amazing. His eyes, his face and his jacket are so realistic and detailed. He has always been one of my favorites in the history of our country! I enjoyed reading about how he loved to read books by the fire and what an honest young man he was. What a man of character. Congratulations for being a great artist, grandma and grandpa!
- Susan on February 10, 2021
Very nice work on your Koi! The way you make its body look like it is moving in the water is so realistic! You have had experience working with fish, that is for sure. Cleaning out your water garden was first- hand experience. Next, you put fish in the water garden. That is probably one reason it is so realistic. The eyes look just like I am viewing the Koi from the ground above the water garden. Super job, Krista! Love your art work, Grandma O.
- Susan on January 13, 2021
Happy almost Turkey Day! You will have your very creative clay turkey to help decorate for the day! It will be such an awesome addition to any Turkey Day table! Those turkey feathers are so colorful. Remember when we used to sit at the kitchen table and create clay projects. You were so talented then and you certainly are today! Continue your very good work in clay. Grandpa and Grandma are so proud of your artwork. We are thankful we can view it on Artsonia!
- Susan on November 11, 2020
"The Dot," your first creation as a third grade student. I am very impressed with your work! I am happy to see that I can once again view your artwork online. Grandpa and I really enjoy seeing what you create! Your "DOT" is certainly filled with interesting designs. Love, Grandpa and Grandma O.
- Susan on October 7, 2020
Awesome work on your Color Wheel Challenge! I wonder how long it took you to select the items you used in your wheel. Keep up the great art work, kiddo! Love, Gpa and Gma
- Grandma Sue on June 5, 2020
Your beetle looks so realistic! The first time I saw it online I didn't realize that you had created it. I thought it was the example to follow. Then I realized it was your artistic creation. I wonder if you had a real one to use for an example. I am going to watch outside for a beetle that looks like yours. I keep thinking you are only in second grade and creating such beautiful works of art. We just love it. Love, Gpa and Gma
- Susan on June 5, 2020
Mom will really be surprised with your "It's a Surprise" bouquet for Mother's Day. The flowers are so beautiful. You have just the right amount of small and large flowers to make a beautiful bouquet. I am sure that is your hand, little one. It looks so precious...just like yours! I know mom will love the bouquet that you made for her. Grandpa and I love the art work that you create. We am so thankful for Artsonia that we are able to see each piece of work you create! Love, Gpa and Gma
- Susan on June 5, 2020
Mom will really be surprised with your "It's a Surprise" bouquet for Mother's Day. The flowers are so beautiful. You have just the right amount of small and large flowers to make a beautiful bouquet. I am sure that is your hand, little one. It looks so precious...just like yours! I know mom will love the bouquet that you made for her. Grandpa and I love the art work that you create. We am so thankful for Artsonia that we are able to see each piece of work you create! Love, Gpa and Gma
- Susan on June 5, 2020
Your Andy Goldsworthy nature scupture is very interesting. It looks just like his work that I researched online! So you have been picking dandelions already this spring. I know how you enjoy picking them and sharing them with others. I love how you used them in your design. Those are pretty large pieces of limestone. The pine cones really add a lot of interest to your work! I see you have several different kinds. Keep up the awesome art work! Grandpa and I just love it!
- Susan on April 22, 2020
Your artwork looks very similar to the great artist, Karla Gerard! I know it is supposed to. I see that smoke coming out of the chimneys. Yesterday when I first saw these there was smoke coming out of our chimney, too. It was very cold. You must have created this artwork when it was cold. I think I like the house with the two-tone green roof the best. I think grandpa and I could live in that house. Your colors are so vibrant, just like Karla's. Keep up the great work! Grandpa and I always look forward to seeing your artwork online. Love you, Grandpa and Grandma O.
- Susan on April 22, 2020
Your Easter Bunny is adorable! I am wondering what medium you used to create the bunny. Is the bunny juggling the eggs. Hopefully they are hard-boiled! I love the pretty spring flowers on the hill in front of the bunny. The color of the bunny is so bright and beautiful. It just makes me happy to look at it. I can see his soft, fluffy tail. I haven't seen too many bunnies hopping around our yard this spring. That is unusual. Have you seen any lately? Keep of your unique, creative art work! Love, Grandma and Grandpa O. HAPPY BLESSED EASTER TO ALL!
- Susan on April 14, 2020
Your Easter Bunny is adorable! I am wondering what medium you used to create the bunny. Is the bunny juggling the eggs. Hopefully they are hard-boiled! I love the pretty spring flowers on the hill in front of the bunny. The color of the bunny is so bright and beautiful. It just makes me happy to look at it. I can see his soft, fluffy tail. I haven't seen too many bunnies hopping around our yard this spring. That is unusual. Have you seen any lately? Keep of your unique, creative art work! Love, Grandma and Grandpa O. HAPPY BLESSED EASTER TO ALL!
- Susan on April 14, 2020
That is quite a clay fish! What big eyes, you have little fish. I like the colors you chose to make your fish. I can see that it could camouflage itself very well in a pond or a lake. It could even camouflage itself in grandma's water garden. You and your brother wouldn't be able to see it very well when we stand at the edge and look into the water. Looks like you created the scales on the fish nicely. Love your work, Grandma and Grandpa O.
- Susan on April 14, 2020
Your Jamin' Giraffe has got to be one of our favorites of all the art work you have created in school! We love those colors. Those spots on the giraffe are so neat. The stripes across the face make him look so unique. Those eyes just keep looking into mine. Love those musical notes all around him. Keep on jamin, girl. Love it, Grandma and Grandpa O.
- Susan on April 14, 2020
Abraham Lincoln, what a wonderful likeness of him! He is one of my very favorite Presidents of the United States of America. He was the 16th President. I opened his picture on my phone and you certainly did a very good job of creating a drawing of Abe! He looks very serious about doing a wonderful job as President! Keep up the awesome work. Love, Grandpa and Grandma O.
- Susan on April 14, 2020
Grandpa and I just love to watch you play basketball. Is that your favorite sport to play? We could really see your talent improve as you played Upward this year! Keep up the great work! You know Aunt Carrie was a very good basketball player just like you! I can see the basketball going through the hoop just as you drew it in this picture. We hope to see you playing more in the future right in our backyard! Keep up the great work! Love, Grandpa and Grandma O.
- Susan on April 14, 2020
Your robot certainly looks like it is ready to gooooo! So, it is going to do your homework! I thought you enjoyed doing your homework (chuckle)! I do believe it has a smile on its face. According to the dial on the front of the robot it looks like it has lots of power remaining. I wonder if it is as artistic as you are. Will you share it with your little brother. I am sure he would appreciate that. Keep up the fantastic work as you create art. Love, Grandma and Grandpa O.
- Susan on April 14, 2020
Your robot certainly looks like it is ready to gooooo! So, it is going to do your homework! I thought you enjoyed doing your homework (chuckle)! I do believe it has a smile on its face. According to the dial on the front of the robot it looks like it has lots of power remaining. I wonder if it is as artistic as you are. Will you share it with your little brother. I am sure he would appreciate that. Keep up the fantastic work as you create art. Love, Grandma and Grandpa O.
- Susan on April 14, 2020
WOW! That is one awesome "Jamin' Giraffe!" Grandpa and I just love it. The colors you used are so vibrant. You and your brother could really boogie to his music. Spectacular work! GOOOOOOO GIRL! Keep up the great art work. Grandpa and Grandpa just love it!
- Susan on April 14, 2020
I continue to learn from your artwork. The style of the cat project is quite familiar. I did not know it was the work of Laurel Burch. Those cat eyes are piercing. Very nice work, Krista! Love, Gma and Gpa O
- Susan on December 18, 2019
I have learned so much from being able to see your artwork over the last two years and now entering your third year of school (K-1-2). I always do research on the artist you are studying. I see that this work is by Jason Pollock and Norman Rockwell. This one is so interesting! Your work continues to be very well done. I will look forward to seeing lots more great creative work from you! Grandpa and I are so proud of your artwork. Keep it up!
- Susan on October 9, 2019
So now you are a "Pop" Artist like James Rizzi! I really like those faces. They certainly are unique and have great detail! I see the sunshine shining down on your work. Super work, kiddo! Grandpa and Grandma love to see your art work! Go, girl! -- Susan
- on March 13, 2019
Is this what Bingo looks like? I really couldn't remember the name of your fish until Vinson reminded me last night. I am not sure that the fish looks like Bingo, but it is adorable. Do you remember that grandma had a huge aquarium in my fourth grade classroom when I was teaching. The students just loved taking care of fish like this one. Keep up the awesome work in art! Love you, Grandma and Grandpa -- Susan
- on February 6, 2019
The cute, little penguin you created will feel right at home in the frigid weather we are having right now! I love how the scarf and hat match. Those are really cool colors, Krista. Keep up the great work, Grandma and Grandpa -- Susan
- on February 6, 2019
What a beautiful, winter picture! I wonder what made those footprints? The sky is especially pretty in this artwork. I always love to see the sun in your artwork. Remember, you are my only make me happy when skies are gray. Actually, you make me happy all of the time! Love, Grandma and Grandpa -- Susan
- on January 16, 2019
Grandpa and I love your Christmas artwork. What an adorable, sweet smile you gave your hand print character. Your fingerprints really look like Christmas lights. They are so bright and colorful. That's just like you, dear granddaughter. Love, Grandpa and Grandma -- Susan
- on January 16, 2019
Such a cute, little squirrel! -- Donya
- on December 12, 2018
Your newspaper weather is quite interesting. I see the clouds. That reminds me of how you interpret the weather by looking at the clouds and the sky. It's nice to see the sun peeking through. That show something better is coming. Congratulations on a job well done. Love, Gpa and Gma -- Susan
- on October 31, 2018
We can see your art work is off to a great start in first grade.Your jungle animal is quite a work of art. Love it. Grandpa and Grandma -- Sue
- on October 3, 2018
Krista, love your Roy G. Biv project. Keep up the remarkable work. Grandma and Grandpa "O" Larry and Sue -- Susan
- on May 2, 2018
Krista, you did catch the style of Roy Lichtenstein. I checked out some of his work on-line. Your project is wonderful. Grandpa & Grandma "O" love your art work. Larry & Sue -- Susan
- on May 2, 2018
Dearest Krista, You always amaze me with the creative details you add to all of your art work. I am sure your teacher is quite proud of your effort. Grandpa Larry and Grandma Sue are very proud of your hard work! -- Susan
- on May 2, 2018
Dearest Krista, March is the month for rainbows and you sure have generated a beautiful one on your ipad. The rainbow reminds me of God and how much your mommy and daddy have taught ed you abouthim. He loves you and so do Grandpa & Grandpa Orr. -- Susan
- on March 19, 2018
Dearest Krista, March is the month for rainbows. Whenever I see a beautiful rainbow like you created I think of God's promises to us. Then I think of how much your mommy and daddy have taught you about God. You are a talented artist. Grandpa and I love seeing your work. Love, Grandpa Larry & Grandma Sue...Susan -- Susan
- on March 19, 2018
Dearest Krista, Grandpa and I always enjoy coming to the Art Show at your school. Seems like I remember seeing snowmen that the kindergarteners created. This year we will be so proud to see the snowman that you created. We are so proud of the work you do. Love, Grandma Sue & Grandpa Larry -- Susan
- on March 14, 2018
I would imagine it took a long time to put all those buttons on your snowman. I like the color of his scarf. I think you used your ideas from the snowman you , Vinson, mommy and daddy have made. Great work. -- Susan
- on February 21, 2018
I love your latest artwork. The Christmas tree looks so real. The star on top just twinkles. Keep up the wonderful work. Grandma Sue -- Susan
- on January 31, 2018
Your Rousseau Jungle Sculpture inspired me to do some research on Rousseau. I looked at his jungle style paintings and found them quite enjoyable. Maybe some day you will be a famous artist like Rousseau! Great work, Krista! -- Grandma Sue
- on November 1, 2017
Your painted leaves look just like the ones fluttering to the ground outside my office window. I am sure you had fun painting them. Keep up the great work! -- Grandma Sue
- on October 25, 2017
Krista, your 4-seasons tree is a work of art. I especially like the rich fall colors of red, yellow and orange that you painted. Keep doing a great job of painting. I know you love to paint. -- Grandma Sue
- on October 25, 2017
Love, love, love. Love those hearts! -- Grandma Sue
- on October 25, 2017
Wow, this is quite interesting. Way to go Krista. I wonder what artist and technique you are studying now. -- Grandma Sue
- on October 25, 2017
Krista, I check every day to see if you have new art work to view. This drawing is lovely. I like the bow in her hair. You are very talented. Grandma Sue -- Grandma Sue
- on October 25, 2017
Great work Krista. Grandma loves it! -- Diana
- on September 20, 2017
Cardinals are my favorite bird. You captured the cardinal perfectly. Its red feathers and that bright yellow beak are striking. Did you paint those trees, too? They look so real! -- Grandma Sue
- on September 20, 2017
Did you really create these cute, little owl babies! I love them. You made them look soft and cuddly! I am sure it was fun working with the cotton to shape their bodies! -- Grandma Sue
- on September 20, 2017
Krista, what a cute idea for Cookie Monster. I love the cookies all around his blue body. I think he still looks hungry. He must need more cookies. They are chocolate chip cookies, right? Great artistic creation! -- Grandma Sue